
  1. When Howie Dorough hosted a Twitter Q&A recently, one of the most common questions asked was, “What kind of themes will we have on the cruise?” For the past four cruises, this is one of the most common questions among cruisers. They want to begin preparing their outfits...
  2. Meet Drew, fan of wearing socks with sandals and personal security to Brian.
  3. Fan Club Username:   Location: Chicago, IL   Twitter: @lauramariefu   Tell us a little bit about yourself: When I’m not being a loud, proud Backstreet soldier, I’m a digital...
  4. McLean aims to "change people's views" with new anti-discrimination single. Check out the full feature on
  5. If you haven’t watched the deluxe version of “Show ‘Em What You’re Made Of” and all of the extras that the Backstreet Boys and We Are Colony have made available to us, then you are missing out.
  6. 1. I love candy. Especially gummy bears.    2. I can talk inside my mouth.   3. I am overly obsessed with animals, but absolutely terrified of spiders.      4. One side of my rib cage sticks out very prominently, named it Henry.  ...
  7. You’ve seen the Show ‘Em What You’re Made Of: The Backstreet Boys Movie , but have you seen what didn’t make it to the big screen? Fans begged for months for more unreleased footage and deleted scenes to be handed over and the Backstreet Boys listened! Thanks to We Are...
  8. Meet Mike Elgani, personal security guard for Nick Carter!    1. I'm 37 years old  2. And a true fire sign- an Aries born March 28 3. I’m half Cuban and half Egyptian  4. I have one brother and no sisters. 5. I was born in...
  9. The 2016 Backstreet Boys Cruise is less than a year away and it’s time to start getting excited! For some cruisers, it’ll be your first time on a BSB cruise. For others, it’ll be your first time in Europe or out of the country at all. For most cruisers, fangirl...
  10. Let's face it, Nick Carter is owning "Dancing with the Stars." Last week, Nick incorporated the most well known Backstreet Boys dance into his routine with partner Sharna Burgess. The dance move is up there with the best boy band dance moves of all time, along with New Kids on the...
  11. 1. My first car was a maroon 1989 Pontiac Grand Am. I put posters on the ceiling and blew the transmission trying to rally it on my way home from Lake Tahoe.    2. After graduating high school I became a snowboard instructor.    3. I once hit a tree...
  12. A Backstreet Boys cruise isn’t your normal cruise. For those who do not know much about it, well, they probably won’t get it. Sure, it could be considered a party or concert on water.    But for most, a Backstreet Boys cruise is more like a family reunion. ...