September 16, 2015

Backstreet Boys Cruise Memory Lane: Volume 1

A Backstreet Boys cruise isn’t your normal cruise. For those who do not know much about it, well, they probably won’t get it. Sure, it could be considered a party or concert on water. 
But for most, a Backstreet Boys cruise is more like a family reunion. 
Over the past four cruises (2010-11, 2013-14), we’ve met a lot of people who have graced the stages at events - whether it was being brought up to sing karaoke, to play a beach game, or for something so moving, it left a boat full of fans in tears. 
In this new segment on, we are going to look back at some of those who had big moments on the past cruises, while getting us prepared for the upcoming 2016 European Cruise that sets sail May 10, 2016 from Barcelona, Spain. 
Out of all of the moments on any of the Backstreet Boys cruises, Michelle Knapp, a 31-year-old flight attendant from Michigan, has probably the most touching story. 
In 2011, a few weeks before the Backstreet Boys cruise took off from Miami, Michelle found out that she had Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. She began her chemo treatments and just before the cruise, her hair slowly began falling out. Her mother joked that Michelle should get the Backstreet Boys to shave her head while on the cruise. 
And they did. 
After being picked to come on stage during ‘80s night on the cruise, a plan was put in place that ended up with Michelle on the top deck with the Backstreet Boys before they did a game of karaoke with other fans. 
Howie chopped off her ponytail and each boy had a turn in shaving her head. 
“I think my mom cried. She was so happy,” Michelle said. “I was just happy to have a positive start to everything. As soon as I came back from the cruise, I had another round of chemo within the first few days and it was a good way to go into it.”
Michelle didn’t let the cancer hold her back from having fun. She attended several of Nick’s “I’m Taking Off” shows and found out shortly before one of his shows that February that she was in remission. 
“I've been keeping up with my doctors appointments and so far, knock on wood, all has been good. I still have appointments every six months,” she said, hoping that soon she would only have to go for a checkup every year and then even less. 
And while she didn’t get the chance to go on the Backstreet Boys cruise in 2014, she did go back to where it all began in 2013 for the 20th anniversary cruise.
“The 2013 cruise was awesome,” Michelle said. “I was surprised that people did recognize me! I definitely wasn't the long blonde that I was on the first cruise but my hair was finally to the point that I was happy wearing it without a wig!”
“The cruise was almost surreal to be back on,” she added.  “I remember on the last night at the deck party, standing where they had shaved my head and thinking, what a crazy ride it had been and how I wouldn't have changed how things happened. I had so many great people reaching out to me after and I made some amazing friendships.”
For now, Michelle recently left her regional flight attendant job to begin flying for a main airline and has been dating a special guy for two years. They have a cat together named Tom Selleck. 
For Christina Henry, the 2014 Backstreet Boys cruise gave her the kind of experience that she had never had before.
Christina was one of the lucky contestants who ended up on stage during “Don’t Forget the Lyrics,” where contestants and the boys split up in two teams and and try to see if they can remember the lyrics to a song when the music is turned off. 
“Doing ‘Don't Forget the Lyrics’ with the boys was the first, and honestly, the biggest fan moment I've ever had with the boys,” Christina said. “I've never done VIP at one of their shows or their after parties, I just save up to go on the cruises. It's the best of both worlds - a vacation and time with my favorite group.”
Christina said she never expected anything like being picked to sing on stage would happen. She was simply sitting on the deck with her cruise roommate Nicole and Nicole was brought up, so she tagged along. 
And then it happened - singing “All About The Bass” with Nick Carter joining in as she competed against Howie Dorough. Christina, who is already a singer in a band, wasn’t really changed by the experience, but it did make her more visible in the Backstreet fandom.
“More people know me, and now I know more Backstreet Boys fans which is cool because it just feels like one big family,” she said. 
While Christina has been on two cruises (2013 and 2014), she’s not currently booked for the 2016 European Cruise, but hopes that will change soon.
“There are two things I love about the cruise,” she said. “One is getting to meet some of the fans I only know through Twitter and Facebook, like Nikki, Marge (Shipmom), Charyl, Nicole, Adrienne and Aundrea.”
And the second?
“Being able to enjoy being a Backstreet Boys fan in a way that goes beyond just going to concerts,” Christina said. “When you go to concerts, there will be those fans that I call ‘radio fans,’ who only know the hits from the early days and they see the show and they go home. On the cruises, everyone knows every song - from every album (group and solo albums). They've seen every TV appearance. They have their own BSB stories. It’s the ultimate fangirl experience and I can't wait to go on the next one.”
Even though Stephanie Mayse went on the 2011 Backstreet Boys cruise, her shining moment came during the 20th anniversary cruise in 2013 
Stephanie, a Kentucky girl who is from Kevin Richardson’s hometown, has a soft spot for the Kentucky cousins and took part in Brian Littrell’s Wylee Fashion Show. Stephanie, a huge Wylee fan and Leighanne supporter, jumped at the opportunity. 
“I was so excited,” Stephanie said. “We all lined up and made our way down the runway. When it was my turn, I noticed Brian wasn’t paying attention to anything behind him.”
Stephanie got about halfway to where Brian was on the runway when something came over her - the idea to steal Brian’s captains hat. 
“At this point he still had no clue I was behind him,” she said. “So when I finally reached him,  I saw my opportunity and grabbed the hat off of his head. He turned around and I placed the hat on my head and that’s when everyone on the boat went crazy. I began to walk away with it.”
Stephanie said all she could think at that moment was, “Oh my God, did I just do that? I just took Brian’s hat!”
“Brian finally caught up with me, and I hugged him and gave his hat back,” she said. “But that memory will always stick with me forever. I mean, who can say they were in a fashion show with a Backstreet Boy and took his hat and stole the show.
While Stephanie isn’t going to attend to the 2016 European cruise, she still can not wait until she’s able to do it all again. 
“I love going on the Backstreet Boys’ cruise,” she said. “My first one was in 2011 and I even went on the 2014 cruise as well.  I love going on these cruises because I can see my friends that live around the world, and for a few days, you are surrounded by friends who love a band just as much, if not more than you do. It's just a magical feeling that I can’t describe.”
For Sherri Jean of Windsor, Ontario, Canada, in 2011, she got to experience something that most Backstreet Boys fans probably dreamed of when they were younger - to be one of the boys’ prom dates. 
The second theme on the 2011 cruise was Prom Night and when Sherri found a tiara in her orange Backstreet Boys backpack that everybody received, she wasn’t sure what to think. 
“I thought everyone got one,” Sherri said. “Until I saw the tag hanging that said prom queen with a star symbol. Then I started screaming and called my friend’s cabin right away.”
According to Sherri, she wasn’t sure who her date was going to be at first. There was speculation among some of the prom queens that whoever’s button you got in your bag, that would be your date. 
“We were apparently supposed to walk up to the guys and match our symbol to them, but of course in Backstreet fashion, they were late,” Sherri said. “So a lady just told us who our date was (going to be).”
Sherri’s date? None other than Mr. Kevin Richardson.
In 2011, Kevin wasn’t officially back with the group. Earlier in the day at the beach party, Kevin and the boys teased about a possible return which a few months later would be official. 
“At first I was shocked, of course, I get Kevin with (it being) his first appearance back,” Sherri said. “Then I got a little nervous. Kevin wasn't there when we started getting close to the boys with VIPs and after parties.  I wasn't sure how to interact with him.”
But nonetheless, Kevin was a true southern gentlemen, Sherri said. 
“As soon as we 'met,’ everything was great,” she said. “As a fan, I'm glad I got to help bring Kevin back into the world of Backstreet and at every VIP I've seen him at since, he calls me his prom queen. My definite highlight of the night was Kevin breaking into an impromptu performance of ‘Sherry Baby’ when he found out my name, and all the boys singing with him.”
Sherri went on the first three Backstreet Boys cruises, but skipped the 2013 cruise. As soon as she booked a five-week European backpacking trip, the Backstreet Boys announced a European cruise. 
“Don't count me out for next year,” Sherri said. “I’d love to go back to Barcelona and the BSB cruise just might be the excuse I need.”
Have you had a special or big experience on a Backstreet Boys cruise? Head over to the fan club forums and let us know!
And there are still cabins left for the 2016 Backstreet Boys cruise! Head over to and book today!
By Karah-Leigh Hancock / @Princess_Karah