September 17, 2015


1. My first car was a maroon 1989 Pontiac Grand Am. I put posters on the ceiling and blew the transmission trying to rally it on my way home from Lake Tahoe. 
2. After graduating high school I became a snowboard instructor. 
3. I once hit a tree racing a go cart on a ATC breaking my legs. I spent 3 weeks in the hospital and 6 months learning to walk again. Less then a year later I broke my knee on my bmx bike. 
4. I moved to Kona, Hawaii when I was 21. I had $140 and didn't know anyone. It ended up be really amazing. 
5. I worked 3 jobs to save enough money for my first camera. One of them was at a hotel. Before leaving I would see which rooms were unoccupied and sneak back after my last job of the night (restaurant cook.) 
6. I once had a crush on Avril Lavigne. I thought if we met she would fall in love with me. 15 years later we met, She didn't fall in love with me.  
7. I got the nick name Shaggs when I was 8 years old. I had long shaggy hair. It's stuck ever since. 
8. One time traveling abroad I was tricked into eating raw horse and was told it was sashimi. Not cool!
9. The first time I kissed a girl was during a game of spin the bottle at a birthday party in junior high. 
10. After watching the movie "IT" as a kid. I pretended to take showers for a week cause I thought Pennywise was gonna kill me through the shower drain. 
11. I once fed a wild deer an apple as a kid and cried when I caught my first fish. 
12. I enjoy racing around in my RZR or on my dirt bike. Preferably the RZR cause it has a roll cage and i'm broken. 
13. My first week of high school I choked on a pickle at McDonald's in front of the cheerleading team and my mom had to save me. 
14. Q and I had a secret instagram battle on who could get more followers. We would secretly take selfies with the boys to use as ammo against each other. We never posted them and he crushed me. 
15. My first time in Russia I had a cop put a machine gun to my chest through a car window demanding money or get in the car. I gave him money.
16. I played baseball for 10 years and Soccer for 6. I quit cause I thought it was cooler to skate and hang with friends. Whoops. 
17. While working for the forest service, part of my Job was hooting for owls in the middle of the night.
18. I enjoy a good adrenaline rush. Sadly, hospitals cost a lot so i'm more selective on my thrills these days.
19. I tour with more bands then just the Backstreet Boys but for some reason nobody thinks so including my family. 
20. While on the road it's easy to lose track of days and dates. I once missed mothers day and still don't hear the end of it. Sorry mom. 
21. My first meal home after being on the road is usually some Mexican food. 
22. My cousin is a famous director but I have never meet him. 
23. I learned as a small child it’s not a good idea to eat fake blood tablets and pretend you got hit by a car to scare your mom on April fools.. Sorry mom.. again.
24. I was suspended in 5th grade for bringing a playboy magazine to school I found in my older brothers room. 
25. I want a Red Panda.