September 23, 2015

The 7 Essentials You Need For The Backstreet Boys Cruise

The 2016 Backstreet Boys Cruise is less than a year away and it’s time to start getting excited!

For some cruisers, it’ll be your first time on a BSB cruise. For others, it’ll be your first time in Europe or out of the country at all. For most cruisers, fangirl (or boy) your brain will take over and you’ll forget what you need or over pack and break your arm with your luggage before you even make it on the boat. To help you out, past cruisers weighed in on what their Backstreet Cruise essentials are (or aren’t).

1. Camera (And Accessories)

“Extra cameras, batteries and memory cards!” – @kerbear04 

“A camera!” – @Looloot23 

This is an obvious one and the one you will kick yourself in the face for if you forget. Not only should you remember your camera, you should probably bring extra batteries and perhaps waterproof accessories? What could be worse than a Backstreet Boy IN YOUR FACE for a good 10 minutes and you not capturing the moment?! You’ve paid good money for this, you’ve waited nearly a year for this, and face it, you might be having a little too much fun to remember this if you don’t have your camera with you.

2. The Right Shoes (Or No Shoes)

“Definitely high heels so I don’t look like so short next to Nick in the meet & greet pic.” – @Sushi_Flower 

“Shoes are not essential! I brought so many on the cruise, wore them for 10 min then took them off.” – @Miry_iam 

“Comfy shoes – Yes I know we want to look awesome, but your feet will hurt after standing around for 5 hours!” – @PriyaRaja263 

While there are differing footwear opinions, it’s a decision that you’ll have to make on your own. Perhaps bring a nicer pair for the BSB pic, depending on how fancy you are, a pair of comfy go-with-everything shoes and then just your actual feet. Of course, bringing your feet is non-negotiable, but maybe dress them up a bit? You never know who is going to see your toes and we hear AJ is big on the nail art.

3. Snacks And… Empty Bottles?

“Protein/granola bars and a water bottle for refills, especially for the long days of standing around.” – @AmyBChirps 

“Protein bars/snacks! Sometimes you don’t have time to get food and it’s nice to have something with you to eat on the go.” – @KimmieSchier 

“Empty bottle! You can’t take a full one boarding but bring an empty one and refill! We’re always waiting somewhere” – @coryp23 

Sure, you think you’re on a boat filled with food and drinks. What me worry, mon? Your worry should be that you are on a boat with thousands of other people that have been waiting around as long as you have. If you’re hungry and someone jumps out in between you and Nick Carter, it’s going to get nasty. For this reason alone, be sure to pack snacks and a bottle so that you don’t dehydrate and pass out and need mouth to mouth (unless you are directly in front of a Backstreet Boy).

4. Caffeine. 

“Caffeine, Caffeine, Caffeine! Did I mention Caffeine!? This is a no sleep cruise…seriously – they won’t let you!”- @PriyaRaja263 

“Caffeine is a must. Also, power naps of you can find the time lol. Last cruise I slept about an hour before each event.” – @boybandswoo 

Ain’t no party like a Backstreet party because a Backstreet party DON’T STOP. Especially when it’s on a boat. You paid for a good time and they’re going to give it to you. You better be AWAKE for it, Grandma!

5. Hand Sanitizer.

Because a.) you’re on a boat and b.) you’re with Nick Carter. That’s enough.

6. Patience and A Good Attitude. 

“A great & friendly attitude is essential!! Keep your cool people,  you’ll get your turn with the boys!” – @AmyBChirps 

Let’s be real – NO ONE likes a pushy fan. No one likes a pushy anything. If you’re not on the boat to have a good time with your friends as well as the Boys, then it’s no fun and it really should be! You should make memories. You should NOT spend your time being glared at by security because you can’t control your limbs and phalanges.

7. A Suitable Swimsuit

You may look FANTASTIC in that itty-bitty yellow bikini, but when you’re picked to play a game on the beach with Kevin, Howie, Brian, AJ or Nick, is it really going to contain all of your parts? Suggestion: Try on a swimsuit at home, jump around, flip upside down, go running across your yard to see if it holds up. You can look cute and still keep all your pieces tucked in. You won’t regret it!

A few other essentials:

“I always make sure I have my own shampoo and soap. The ones in the cabin shower they give you isn’t good” – @FrickingKaos 

“Medicine against sea sickness! Vitamins!” – @Looloot23 

“Hair straightener. That’s a big one for me – MUST DO MY HAIR ONBOARD. Sea sickness pills are also in my top 3. I love cruising, but my stomach has other ideas! Painkillers are also good, because you can’t always grab them anywhere, and onboard doctors are expensive.” – @SilverMoon28 

“Portable cell phone charger phone banks, multiple blank SD cards, SO MANY AA batteries for my camera, water bottle, gum/mints, some makeup, and a portable fan.” – @NickysAngelBaby 

“An extension cord.  Or two. Phones, cameras, hair accessories..and hardly any plugins in the cabins.” – @JennayHeartNick

Do you have different cruise essentials? Comment below and help out your fellow cruisers. See you in May!

Written By Sara Taylor