1. ILoveNickolasGeneCarter avatar

    This sounds so amazing!! Thanks for sharing! :)
    If anyone wants: autographed Nick photo, autographed Backstreet Mom book, BSB movie, key chain, Nick&Knight CD, Never Gone CD, IAWLT CD, e-mail [email protected]. Want to sell my extra copies to another BSB fan :)

  2. Alyssa Sarmiento avatar

    @Nicky Toronto - I remember you! Nick also called you out during Q&A and I thought that was so cool!

  3. Nicky Toronto avatar

    I totally agree with the GO ALL IN comment. For ABC night on the last cruise i made this paper dress with photos of Kevin and thought to myself... i cant wear this... they are gonna think that I'm mental lol I still packed it and took another low key costume as well. One of my friends convinced me to wear it and let me tell you i wanted to crawl into a hole when everyone looked at me walking down the hallways lol When the boys saw it they loved it and I got to go up on the middle section with other fans that got selected as well. So in the end it really worked out lol The boys and other fans signed the dress and i have it at home. I went all out on all of the other theme nights as well for the other cruises and it was so much fun.

  4. Alyssa Sarmiento avatar

    There is so much truth in #2! Kevin has the best way of making it seem like he's looking deep into your soul!

    And yes, I encourage everyone to decorate their door! It makes walking through the hallways even more fun.

    Can't wait to see all my fellow cruisers in 3 weeks!