News article image 14 Tips to Get the Most Out of a BSB Cruise
April 19, 2016

14 Tips to Get the Most Out of a BSB Cruise

With the Backstreet Boys cruise getting ready to set sail in less than a month, here are 14 tips to help you make the most out of your upcoming Backstreet cruise experience.

  1. Go all in – Don’t hold back. Decorate your door, dress up for the theme nights, proudly don your Backstreet memorabilia. Embrace your Backstreet-loving side.
  2. Brace yourself for Kevin staring into your soul – If you’ve had the pleasure of meeting Kevin before, you know what I’m talking about and you can back me up. If you haven’t met Kevin yet, you’re in for a treat! Whether you’ve experienced it or not, get ready. It’s intense and will send shivers down your spine.  
  3. R.E.S.P.E.C.T - Aretha Franklin knows what’s up. Respect each other; respect the boys, and good things will happen to you. 
  4. Drink a lot when the boys are paying – Here’s the deal. There’s a narrow window of about an hour when you can get your drink on for FREE, Compliments of the Backstreet Boys themselves. Historically the boys host a cocktail party the first night of the cruise, so look for that in the itinerary and plan accordingly.
  5. Don’t overdo it before or after the cruise - I learned my lesson the hard way. Beforehand, you want to board the cruise as energized and rejuvenated as possible. And afterward, you need at least a day to recoup. I’m not saying don’t sightsee, but a Backstreet Boy cruise is exhausting on many levels and you need 110% of your energy!
  6. Meeting them for the first time? If you’ve never met the Backstreet Boys before (or even if you have), the experience can be a bit overwhelming (in a good way, of course). The time you get with the boys is never long enough, so make sure you’re prepared. For example, if you’ve always wanted to tell Howie he’s inspired you to pick up salsa dancing, be sure to tell him!
  7. Always be on alert – I’m not joking when I tell you can run into a backstreet boy at any time. Eating breakfast, in the elevator, working out at the gym, in the hot tub... Ok, the last one may be unlikely. But if we wish hard enough, maybe it’ll happen?? No matter the circumstances, make sure you’re looking presentable and have a camera handy.
  8. Take Care of Yourself- My worst nightmare is throwing up in front of a Backstreet Boy. Ugh, can you imagine? We’ve experienced rocky waters on past BSB cruises and the reality is it may happen again. So be prepared for seasickness. Also, make sure you stay hydrated and get rest when you can. 
  9. Leave your adult problems at home - For 4 magnificent days, you have an excuse not to worry about work, school, household chores, or bills. Do yourself a favor, turn your phone off and truly get away.
  10. Worry-Free Napping – Here’s a good tip. Whenever the other group is doing their event, that’s a great time to let your guard down and squeeze in a quick nap. You’re guaranteed not to miss anything because all the boys are occupied. 
  11. Explore the ship – This year we’re on a new cruise line AND a new ship. Our ship offers a rock climbing wall, mini golf, a spa, specialty restaurants, a casino, and a ton more.  The best part is, Royal Caribbean is known for yummy food. I know I intend to take advantage of all the ship has to offer. 
  12. Keep the camping out to a minimum – I’m not referring to the kind of camping with tents and bugs. I mean sitting and waiting all day, either for an event or for the boys. Not only are you wasting away your vacation, odds you very well may be missing the boys elsewhere on the ship. 
  13. Stay positive – Not everything goes as planned and nothing kills the mood like a negative Nancy. It’s important not to get caught up in the small stuff but step back and just remember that you’re on a freakin’ cruise with the Backstreet Boys!
  14. Get drinks with little umbrellas in them - Remember this is your vacay too! It’s not all about the Backstreet Boys. Make sure you take some time for yourself, grab a daiquiri, and relax.

It’s still not too late to book. A few more cabins are still available for #BSBCruise2016 at 

Written by Laura D.