1. Diana Ciavarella avatar

    I have had to overcome obstacles all my life because of my disability and they have been my saviour . Like you I don't kmow where I would be without them.

  2. Johana C. avatar

    This is so cool!! Congratulations!

  3. PaPi Visconti avatar

    Wowwww... It's fantastic!
    Congrats Jerry for you be November's Soldier. You deserve!

  4. Lacy avatar

    Awesome, Jerry! They have selected three awesome SOTM so far... if I say so myself. ;)
    So many awesome people in this fandom! Glad that we are given this opportunity to learn more about each other and make some friends!

  5. Audrey avatar

    Congrats Jerry for being chosen as fan for November!! Truly deserved! ;)

  6. kmaspice avatar

    Congratulations on being chosen for November! It couldn't happen for a nicer guy! I have sincerely appreciated getting to know you online, and like Ute I am looking forward to meeting you in person on the cruise! Your positive attitude and kindness just shine! ? We are all in the BSB fan family together and its good to know how you have been inspired and encouraged by the Backstreet Boys and fans! BSB fans are like no other fan family in the world because our "Boys" are like no others!! We will all keep watching for more updates & smiles from you.

  7. Ute Kohler avatar

    You so deserved this so much buddy! CanĀ“t wait meeting you at the cruise and having fun and a great time together! xo

  8. ILoveNickolasGeneCarter avatar

    Loved reading this :) Congrats!!

    BSB fans, if anyone is wanting an autographed Nick photo, key chain, autographed Backstreet Mom book, Nick & Knight CD, e-mail me at [email protected]. Selling, as I need to save up.

  9. agabsb avatar

    Jerry, We never met (yet), but I am proud that we belong to a common world BSB. You are an extraordinary person who knows what he wants from life and fate despite difficulties can go forward. It is true that the music BSB at many points gives you invaluable help and your person puts faith in that there are still good people. Congratulation You deserve this award!

  10. Laura Fu avatar

    Congrats, Jerry! And welcome to the club! I can't think of a better recipient for the Solider of the Month. Though we've never met, I see your Tweets, Instagrams and FC posts. You have such a positive attitude and are always sharing information and media with fellow fans.

    Thank you for sharing your story, and I'm glad that BSB music was there to help you, just like they did for me and so many other fans.

    You said it: we never have to go to BSB events alone. We fans stick together, and we're always meeting more fans everywhere we go.