News article image Jerry Braden: November's BSB Soldier of the Month!
November 06, 2015

Jerry Braden: November's BSB Soldier of the Month!

Fan Club Username: Jerry Braden

Location: Titusville, PA

Twitter: Jerrybraden92

What are some of your favorite hobbies / tell us a little bit about yourself:

I am 23 & just recently graduated from college & mortuary school. I am currently doing my internship at a funeral home in my hometown of Titusville. I’ve wanted to become a funeral director since I was 13. I will be a licensed funeral director in October 2016 and am looking forward to helping families through a difficult time in their lives.

Obviously, I am a die-hard Backstreet Boys fan, have been since I was six years old. One of my favorite hobbies is to collect their merchandise and attend their events whether it’s BSB or their solo stuff.

I enjoy road trips, camping, kayacking, hanging out with my girlfriend & my two best friends.

What is your favorite BSB memory?

I could list so many favorite BSB memories, but the one thing that I really appreciate is that they remember their fans names. Every time I have been fortunate to meet them, they have called me by my first time. I couldn’t put into words how amazing it is for five celebrities that I look up to that actually know my name. It’s beyond incredible how genuine and kind they are when they meet fans. Not many groups are like that.

If I did have to pick a favorite memory though, it would be the time when I met the boys in Pittsburgh for the IAWLT tour. I made signs saying “Real Men Listen to BSB” and each of them held up a sign. They also mentioned how cool it was to see die-hard male fans such as myself. That will always be my favorite group photo with them.

P.S. The cruises are a lot of fun to make memories on………

What is your favorite BSB song and why?

My favorite song is Show Em’ What You’re Made Of. That song came out when I was in college and really helped motivate me through my education. When I didn’t believe in myself or I felt that others didn’t & belittled me, all I had to do was turn that song on for motivation. The lyrics in that song are so genuine. My favorite lyric from that song is “When sunlight is fading, the world will be waiting for you. Just Show em’ what you’re made of”. I proudly have that tattooed on my left arm.

What is your favorite BSB video and why?

My favorite video is I Still. When I watch that video, I feel a lot of that emotion from the song. I think each Backstreet Boy showed their emotions and that is what made that video so great. Not only are they incredible singers and performers, but great actors too.

How has BSB impacted your life?

BSB has impacted my life in many ways, but I will say the most important:

1) I lost my Dad in 2009 unexpectedly. I was seventeen and had to move to a new area. I never really had a good relationship with my mother, so I was really close with my father. Not only was it hard facing the loss of my father, but it was hard moving to a new town and new school. My father’s death was the hardest thing I’ve ever went through and if it wasn’t for BSB, I really don’t think I would be typing this right now. Their music, especially the Never Gone album, really helped me through it. There were two songs that really stood out to me; Never Gone & Safest Place to Hide. Those songs were always on repeat after my father’s death. Still when I hear those songs, it reminds me of my father. When I miss my Dad, I like to either walk or drive listening to BSB and get away from the world.

2) I wasn’t the greatest at making friends. I had a hard time fitting in. I had few friends, but that’s all I really needed. I was usually the target to be made fun of in school, but Backstreet Boys gave me the confidence I needed. They assured me through their music and interviews that it’s ok to be different. That’s what makes us beautiful.

3) BSB are my role models. I highly look up to them. Each of them has special traits that I really admire. For example, Brian shows humor and his strong faith with God. Nick shows hard work and persistence. Kevin shows kindness and love. AJ shows how cool it is to be different. Howie shows the calmness of the group. They are very influential to me. Through break-ups, not fitting in, my father’s death, or anything else in my everyday life; they seem to have the right answer to things. I’m beyond thankful to have them in my life.

What is your favorite thing about being a BSB fan:
I definitely have to answer this with saying it’s all of the amazing BSB friends I have made through the years. I honestly have met so many kind hearted BSB fans and have been fortunate to call friends. The BSB fandom is incredible. We’re the only ones that “get each other”. It’s amazing to hear how BSB has touched their lives too. Plus, they’re the only ones that’ll listen to me go on and on about BSB.

I know I’ll never have to go to BSB events alone because I know my friends will be there and/or I will make new ones. Plus, BSB cruises are a great way to make BSB friends…. I love hanging out with my BSB friends.