1. Carol Rizzi avatar

    Josh is hilarious! I KNEW it was a lie hahahaha I'm glad I didin't fall in his silly prank and hugged Drew , he's a little intimidating when you first meet him hahahaha but all of you security guys were great and hope to see you next tour again. ( I remember telling my friends that Josh had tried to fool me and now they are able to read about it hahaha I'm loving these "25 things you didn't know about" posts). Kisses from South Brazil and come back soon please!

  2. ILoveNickolasGeneCarter avatar

    As always, love reading these! Keep 'em coming! :)

    If anyone wants a list of BSB items I am selling (I need to save up), please e-mail (do not msg) me at [email protected] :)

  3. AndreaB avatar

    Love this! Josh is awesome - always such a babe. BSB seriously have the best team around!