1. Silnat avatar

    Caffeine, for sure!
    I want to go but all in this country is so hard most with a son with Autism and i with AS.
    TT sucks so bad.

  2. ILoveNickolasGeneCarter avatar

    This makes me really want to go on the cruise! Hopefully someday :)

    If anyone is interested in: an autographed Nick photo, autographed Backstreet Mom book, Nick & Knight CD & BSB key chain, e-mail (do not msg) me at: [email protected]. Selling my doubles, as I'm trying to save up :)

  3. Laysa Eloá da Silva avatar

    E tudo o que eu queria era ir nesse Cruzeiro!! :(
    Quem sabe um próximo na América do Sul....

  4. Camilla Marangoni avatar

    Yep! It helps a lot!! 1st time cruiser!!! :)

  5. Bianca80 avatar

    lmfao running across the yard in your swimsuit and flip upside down..would love to see the neighbours faces

  6. EliaEsther avatar

    Cant wait to sail away with the boys, this time in Europe!!!!!!!!