1. Lua Nascimento avatar

    I was a choir singer when I was a child. And I know exactly how it feels to be always waiting for the solo moments.But I've always appreciate Backstreet Boys as a whole, harmonically speaking. It's exactly how Howie said at one point of this article "There would not be a Backstreet Boys sound if he and each of the boys took their places". And that unique original BSB blend was what make us wanting more of each solo too. Then it was time to know their solo works, and you know what? I became even more amazed and fan of BSB listening to Have It All from AJ, Now or Never and Taking Off from Nick, Welcome Home from Brian, and last but not least Back to Me that has a wonderful sound and show Howie singing abilities at once. In fact I was always a fan of Howie's falcettos and essential vocal range that mantain the group glued and connected as much as Kevin's bass.
    Congrats for speaking up. We love you ;)

  2. BNHAalltheway avatar

    So glad Howie spokw up for himself and his voice is getting to be heard more now he has a wonderful voice as do all the boys.

  3. Teresafanbsb avatar

    For his wonderful voice, is that I wanted so much to have his solo album "Back To Me", and I'm very happy to have him and hear every day. My loyal support for Howie, now hoping soon recording his new album and concert itself back in Chile. <3 I love you Sweet D <3

  4. dani mella avatar

    Ready Chile #Bsbthemovie ver a mi Kevin hermoso!! <3

  5. NickyRosee avatar

    Que alegria!! por fin!! 4 dias para Argentina!! dos meses para su esperada visita!!

  6. Anita Castillo avatar

    Si al fin el documental en los cines de Chile!!!!!!

  7. Yeleysa avatar

    I'm from Venezuela but I've been living in Ecuador for a month. I'll watch the movie on Saturday and I can't wait! Please, bring the tour to Venezuela and Ecuador too, we really miss you!

  8. ResaD avatar

    I have been a die hard Howie fan since the start of it all, and was always sadden to never hear his voice. When All I Have to Give came out and he had more leads, I was blown away! He has an amazing voice (they all do) and I wish they had highlighted it more back in the day. It did break my heart a bit when he said that in the movie, I really can't picture this group without him! I'm glad he's finally got the chance to really shine though, because he really does deserve it and can back up that powerful voice!