April 16, 2015

The Latin Lover

Show ‘Em What You’re Made Of finally hits South America this week, which means it’s time to turn our attention to the Latin Lover himself – Howie D! Many fans are still reeling at the revelation that Howie contemplated taking a break from the group while struggling with his background role in the band. And we don’t blame him – that voice is amazing and needs to be heard… lots! Having originally had more lead vocals when BSB were formed 22 years ago, Howie found his voice taking to the backburner once the boys started working with Max Martin.
 “Jive Records took us on and the sounds I was able to bring to the group were not exactly the Max Martin sound they were going for,” recalls Howie. “So I had to take a little bit of a step back and had my own struggle of trying to accept my position in the group – because we all came form solo backgrounds initially. “Then we got to a point in our career where fans wanted to hear us all individually. I was constantly dealing with fans thinking I just didn’t want to sing. I wasn’t given the chance. It was hard for me to constantly answer, ‘Why aren’t you singing?’” Kevin’s 2006 departure finally prompted Sweet D to speak up about his role in the BSB sound. 
“When Kevin decided to take the break I was like, ‘You know what? I can’t go further like this. It’s one thing with two guys in the back, but it’s another thing when he’s all gone and it’s just me in the background. That doesn’t feel comfortable for me. I’d rather take a break as well, unless you guys are willing to let me have a chance to bat.’ 
“The guys were very open to it. It was never a choice on their part for me not to sing. It was more the producers and looking back, I understand and respect it as I’ve gotten older and more mature. “I realise that there was a sound we created and if we didn’t capitalise and find that
right sound, there may not be the Backstreet Boys today. “I’ve realised being a team player in the early days [was important], but I’m glad we finally had a chance to feel comfortable enough to say, ‘Okay, we’re going to spread out and venture out a little bit. Let’s make music how we want to make music and how we want to represent ourselves to our fans.’
“So with this last record, even Kevin did a lot more singing than before.”
*Show ‘Em What You’re Made Of premieres in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Uruguay and Venezuela starting Friday 17 April. Check HERE [http://backstreetboys.com/international] for more info on your city. 
AND, don’t forget the documentary is making a one-night return to US theaters in May. Buy tickets HERE
By Leena Tailor / @LeenaNZ