1. Snowflake avatar

    Wow, $199 for 6 songs. Another "exclusive" announcement that benefits only a handful of members. I'm more and more disappointed. :(

  2. MARIAN avatar

    I dont wanna miss it but i can’t go to California!!! :(
    Anyways, i hope the fans that go have an awesome time!

  3. Vane_13 avatar

    All of these events are great, but, what's up with ALL the fans that the guys have in the rest of he world, that, by the way, are more than in USA? we never get nothing more than a concert and a fast soundcheck...and, what's up with all of the fans that are not millionaire? Because lately, it seems like we have to look for 3 or 4 more jobs to attend to all these fabulous events..
    At least you could upload concerts, videos, pics...something that worths to be part of this fanclub and not to spend more money than we already do...
    I'm so sorry if i sound kind of rude, but this is just unfair...

  4. Stephanie Dianna avatar

    @katzal they do contests to win stuff like that too

  5. katzal avatar

    talk about gauging your fans - 6 songs for $200!

    And for anyone to say you are paying $200 for songs and that other stuff - I am a member of other fanclubs where they GIVE AWAY the opportunity to get a picture with the band backstage and do a Q&A out of the goodness of their hearts - it's called being good to your fans. I know there are fans who will pay it, but I'm sorry - in this economy - expecting your fans to cough over that kind of money is absurd!

  6. Lari avatar

    :) que las que vayan lo disfruten al maximo! lametablemente, estoy lejos (Argentina) y se hace algo imposible poder asistir, aunqe las ganas existen.

  7. Prizzle avatar

    Oxi.. se liga povo... num vai cale-se

  8. tipbunny avatar

    i don't know if i should go! $199?! i'm already going on the cruise. psh. this sucks!!

  9. mari nieves avatar

    argg todo en America

  10. LizheartsBSB avatar

    Wish I could go to this event!! But I live on the east coast :(