1. Stephanie Dianna avatar

    oops @Mariol...hey...lol...read my other post

  2. Stephanie Dianna avatar

    I agree with Marian....hey girl.....lol...ppl in here are nuts
    go if want
    dont go if u cant

  3. Bree avatar

    hhhmmm i think i need to be at this.

  4. Mrs_Backstreet avatar

    Awww thats amazing! Aren't they sweet!! That'll be an amazing experience, have fun all those of you going! :D

  5. Melany avatar

    Everybody who will attend this incredible night, have a lot of fun !!! We will think of you ;-)
    Take care of you all, KTBSPA

  6. pharmtechchick avatar

    @mariol --- i agree people are just not happy with what they get....i am happy with the fact that i am going on the cruise...i mean yeah i would love to go to the napa concert but i cant....i am happy for those of you that get the chance to see them and get the special poster...have fun

  7. Jami2523 avatar

    I think this is an AMAZING opportunity for the California fans!!! I'm sure it's going to be an awesome show!!! I hope you all have fun!!!! :)

  8. Sizzle avatar

    Whats with the german fans? dont forget us!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Vane_13 avatar

    Do u live in USA?

  10. Mariol avatar

    i do not understand why some ppl is complaining, if u can go "go" if not so dont go, i think the problem is we wanna go to every event and we have to understand that we can´t be on everything. So they do many events to give the oppotunity to many fans, not everybody is going to the cruise so maybe the ppl won´t go can go to this Napa event, if it´s impossible for u well wait ur opportunity i´m sure it will come =) if u can go to both events and more it´S AWESOME so DO IT =)