News article image BSB Surprises Fans In The Studio!
July 27, 2012

BSB Surprises Fans In The Studio!

As you may know, the Backstreet Boys are in the process of recording their new record, and ten lucky fans actually got to preview some rough mixes of songs today in the studio in London!

The boys selected 5 fans who were waiting outside of the studio (through a lottery using raffle tickets - so everyone had a chance to win), and 5 fans who participated in an "online survey" through the fan club.  The fans were told that they were going to get to listen to some new tracks in the studio where the boys were recording, but that the boys were unable to attend.

All of the fans were brought up to the studio and took seats on all of the couches.  Martin Terefe, who is producing the new Backstreet Boys record, started playing the first new track.  About a minute into the song, the boys walked into the studio and surprised all of the fans.  It was truly an incredible experience.  BSB listened to 5 new tracks with the fans, answered some questions, and then took pictures with everyone.

You can see all of the photos from the event here!

We can't wait to see what other surprises this new era holds for BSB.  We are hoping that this is just the first of many :)