1. Megan_P avatar

    Not good. 10 ppl for 4 guys so there will be 2 unlucky girls in every group? They should make a group of 8 to be fair, and I'm not buying tickets until they confirm they will participate in the games.

  2. Tkd_Sab avatar

    I really wanna do this I wanna see & Be with the boys! But i don't like the fact i may not get to stand next to one of them & what if its at the same time as the New Kids M&G then i would really be pissed cause I'm a HUGE NK Fan! I mean i really am. So i'm not sure yet about this. I may wait to hear more info before i buy my ticket. I do have to work tomorrow & not sure if i can get to my phone to Buy my ticket!

  3. Tatty avatar

    No words.. I'm glad not going.. Anyways so far away. Group of 10 people to 4 guys? It's going to be a disaster. God luck ladies...

  4. Jami2523 avatar

    I'm so very disappointed in this. 10 people to a photo with 4 guys?! That means even though everyone is paying $250 only SOME will be next to a boy in their picture! And let's face it, bending down in front of them is a lot different then being right next to them. It pisses me off that whoever planned this clearly wasn't thinking about us fans. It's sad because without us you all would have no jobs!

  5. Sonya Cherie avatar

    There supposed to be involved in the games....This whole thing is making me nervous about going or not.

  6. Megan_P avatar

    Will BSB be involved in the games? If not, I'm not going.

  7. Megan_P avatar

    @Melissawilliam It includes meet and greet which usually comes with pictures with the Boys. But I thinkit will be a group picture (group of 10), not individual pic with them.

  8. Sway_Shay avatar

    @Annie - it's been said a few times that Kevin will not be at the Mix Tape, I also read that he tweeted a fan that as well.

  9. Annie-Gail avatar

    Unless Kevin IS coming for the picture??

  10. melissawilliams avatar

    Let me get this straight -- for an ADDITIONAL $250 I get a crappy lunch, warm drinks and the very good possibility that I might not even get to stand next to them during the pic?!?!?! That is the most ridonkulous thing I have ever heard!!! What that tells me is that they are going to sell a SHIT TON of tickets to this thing and it's gonna SUUUUUCCCCKKK. I love the Boys, but Ground Control can kiss my patootie! Fucking mercenaries! Suck it, Ground Control! I'm out. Ya'll ain't getting my money!