1. Sway_Shay avatar

    I had to laugh at the no alcohol part.... LOL sorry!
    Seems like fun! To all those who are going, have fun!

  2. LaurenNY88 avatar

    10 people for 4 guys is really just inconsiderate, that means you aren't even giving every fan a chance to stand next to a guy. Plus it just says "Games" are those even games with BSB? I'm really disappointed I was so excited for this and it just seems like its gunna be a rip off now :(

  3. ~Jenny~ avatar

    guys! what is going on here? Aside from the fact that we were told "future meet & greet for BSB will be announced and will be included in the VIP ticket price" (yes, I called Groundctrl before mixtape tix went on sale and asked that SPECIFIC question & wrote down the answer i was given) and clearly they are not....10 fans for a pic with 4 guys is going to be a disaster. Ive done NKOTB m&g when ts 10 fans for 5 guys and that is a disaster every time. For the sake of this being a fun event, please consider changing it to 8 ppl per group. I love you all, but in my opinion...this is some craziness.

  4. GreenEyez707 avatar

    4 guys...... 10 fans.... really?

  5. vettechnikki avatar

    How are groups of 10 fair for 4 guys? Oi... not sure why I'm even going to bother to do this. I know it's only going to irritate me.

  6. USER avatar

    hi Backstreet Boys i want so much to attend to expierance this BSBBQ,, IT not in
    Australia ? i reconise the place where its held,, i hope you guys will do it here down under,,

  7. KimTheKaotic avatar

    I know a lot of people seem to be complaining but I'm really happy that they're doing a meet&greet at all...it'll be fun

  8. JennayHeartsNick avatar

    Groups of TEN?!?! There's only eight during the cruise pics and less during normal VIPs...Ok..this is really starting to officially piss me off. First its not included in ANY VIPs or discounted, now t his.

  9. maes avatar

    Kevin won't be attending Hershey park :(

  10. Taty Rodrigues avatar

    Group Photo with BSB ...Kevin?