1. petra avatar

    " In Rotterdam, Nick personally asked everyone if they wanted to go on a tour with him. Giving this option fulfills our end of the VIP package. However, everyone chose to leave Nick behind and get front row"

    Big lie! not everyone chose to leave nick behind...

  2. petra avatar

    not everyone choose for front row ;) but there was only one choice givin, so the girls that wanted the backstage tour did not get it because they gave first row to the other vip's

  3. Mish avatar

    WHAT??? They left Nick behind madness I would of gone and just had a one on one tour hehehe .... who needs front row when u could have that time alone with him that would do me!!!

  4. Rckr Hat Team avatar

    i think this message is just a way from Ground control and even the backstreet boys management to not take the guilt for everything that has happened...everything that is happening and everything that is going to happen. I know we(fans) are just business for bsb management, but at least what we deserve is always to have the same benefits when we all pay the same ...and that "much more" thing...is just unacceptable.
    I ve been a bsb fan for years...travelled all around the world...from argentina to europe, US.,..etc...but i realized this is too much for me. sad, but true.

  5. Nephyr avatar

    Thank you so much for this clarification. Looking forward for the surprises! ;) hope to see you all in the road soon

  6. Jizzlette avatar

    ok wel i'm glad i found out what the "much more" was lol at least i know if I do buy one for one of the US shows that it will be worth my money. I feel bad that everyone left nick behind i'd have gone with him hehe but then again i'd prolly think twice if i only had one choice.

  7. ju_shiningstar avatar

    Whattt??!! "everyone chose to leave Nick behind" ... I wouldn't!! .. I wish I was there and had the tour all by myself w him! hahahaha

  8. Katie avatar

    Hey its amazing after all the complaints we actually getting a reply from ground(ctrl). I emailed ground(ctrl) twice requesting a time to arrive for the SC & what "Much More"means with the Platium tickets. Of course i didn't get a reply!! i wonder if my credit card had declined for the $1024 for 2 platium tickets would ground(ctrl) of emailed me??? (Of course they would of) Ground(ctrl) should of stated well in advance what fans were getting for their hard earned money, instead of getting our hopes up with rummors of what "Much More" means!! Weather & Traffic are not an excuse for VIP terms & conditions not been fulfill!! i wonder how many fans got refunds from ground(ctrl) when their VIP tickets were not fulfilled?? Its called CUSTOMER SERVICE maybe ye @ GROUND(CTRL) should look it up in the Dictionary!!!! (Please don't delete my comment)

  9. KaoticLi avatar

    thanks for the statement..is nice to see that you're aware of the comments around the SC party

  10. AmyC avatar

    I just wonder if BSB knows what we are paying per person and if any of it goes to charity.