November 20, 2009

To Those Attending the VIP SC parties...

Hey everyone,


We noticed that there is a lot of talk surrounding some of the VIP packages and exactly what you as fans are entitled to in the VIP experience. We want every single one of you to experience something incredible at the show, and walk away with memories of a lifetime. We offer the VIP packages for this specific reason-- to allow you guys to have this kind of unparalleled experience. Unfortunately, there are always going to be unforeseen factors beyond our control that don't allow every single fan who attends the show to have the same, identical experience. This message should lay out some of those factors, as well as attempt to clear up any misunderstandings that have been going on.

While the Platinum Package includes a backstage tour, never does it promise that it will be given by any member of the band. Tours given by one of the boys are meant to be a special surprise that we are only able to do when the circumstances allow us to do so. This is part of the “and more” bonus of the VIP package. Similarly, having front row access was never promised in the package either, and was also meant to be a special treat. This also goes for additional photos backstage with the band member giving the tour, early access to the merch booth, and a free year long extension on your fan club membership. None of these things were ever a guaranteed part of the package, but a special bonus.

At times, due to situations beyond our control (traffic, production delays, etc), we can't start soundcheck on time and we run into a timing issue regarding when the doors MUST open. In these cases, we give everyone the option to either go on the tour or stay behind and get front row. In Rotterdam, Nick personally asked everyone if they wanted to go on a tour with him. Giving this option fulfills our end of the VIP package. However, everyone chose to leave Nick behind and get front row.

Please understand that we at ground(ctrl) and management always try to do whatever we can to ensure a wonderful fan experience for all of you, and while things may not always go as smoothly as possible due to outside factors, we will always attempt to fulfill, at the very least, the benefits that are listed in the description of the package that you purchase. We would love for everyone to walk away having had a wonderful experience, so we hope this message helps to clear up some of these unfortunate but inevitable issues.

On a final note, we have been having overseas internet difficulties but Justin is working on getting all the SC photos up in a timely manner, as well as the shot that AJ takes while on stage.

With that being said, we hope to see everyone out on tour and hope that everyone has an amazing time at the show!!