October 07, 2009

Climate Change: EU and MTV mobilise youth together with Backstreet Boys at the start of UN conference in Copenhagen

Climate Change: EU and MTV mobilise youth together with Backstreet Boys at the start of UN conference in Copenhagen

The European Commission and MTV Networks International announced today the main artist of the third and final concert of the "Play to Stop - Europe for Climate" campaign: Backstreet Boys. The band will play on 7 December in Copenhagen in front of hundreds of young people, coinciding with the opening day of the United Nations Climate Change Conference.

"The Copenhagen conference is one of our last chances to tackle climate change before it spirals out of control. I hope the world leaders will reach a fair and ambitious global agreement that will put us firmly on the path of sustainable development. We owe it to our children and generations to come, said Vice-President of the European Commission Margot Wallström.

The last concert of "Play to Stop" will mark the peak of a six-month-long campaign, which aims to raise awareness among young people about the dangers of climate change and the importance of having a European Union response to this. The initiative has also sought to mobilize youth ahead of the UN Climate Change  Conference where a follow-up agreement to the Kyoto Protocol is expected to be negotiated. . Drawing audiences from around Europe, the previous concerts featured Moby in Stockholm on 20 August and Editors in Budapest on 19 September.

Quote Antonio Campo Dall'Orto, Executive Vice President of Music Brands for MTV Networks International.

Launched in July 2009, "Play to Stop" targets 11 EU Member States and features TV spots, webcasts, games, and editorial content about the battle against climate change as well as three concerts with major international artists. Each concert has taken or will take place alongside a major event related to climate change: World Water Week in Stockholm, Mobility Week in Budapest, and the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen.

The campaign "Play to Stop - Europe for Climate" runs in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. The 11 target countries are represented by celebrity national ambassadors who promote efforts against climate change. Among them are Bulgarian tennis player Magdalena Maleeva, Czech singer Aneta Langerová, Danish singer Anna David, French actor Paslac Légitimus, German actor Tobias Schenke, Hungarian aerobic champion Attila Katus, Italian TV star Paola Maugeri, Polish entertainer Michal Piróg and Romanian climate activist Serban Miron Copot.

Throughout the campaign, young people are encouraged to exchange opinions about climate change and how to protect the environment on the "Play to Stop" website at www.mtvplay4climate.eu

Background: EU Climate action

The goal of the UN conference in Copenhagen in December is to find a new global climate deal to take over from the Kyoto Protocol, which expires in 2012. Early action is needed: climate destabilization is already a reality, and any delay in reaching an agreement will inevitably delay global action and worsen the effects of climate change.

The European Union already plays a leading role in the global fight against climate change. In December 2008 the EU adopted an integrated energy and climate change policy, setting ambitious targets for 2020. It hopes to set Europe on the right track - towards a sustainable future with a low-carbon, energy-efficient economy by:

*       cutting greenhouse gases by 20% (30% if international agreement is reached)
*       reducing energy consumption by 20% through increased energy efficiency
*       meeting 20% of our energy needs from renewable sources.

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