1. Sway_Shay avatar

    I'll be watching, I think this will be a fun show to watch! :)

  2. Rosa FutureStar avatar

    So Awesome!

  3. BrainHasMyHeart avatar

    Good luck boys

  4. BASTRID(nuga602) avatar

    wow, good luck, ;)

  5. PrincessJen avatar

    I love when the guys have appearances on TV. Feels like the old days when I'd be glued to my tv with the VCR recording whatever was airing!

  6. Esmeralda A. Aispuro avatar

    I will try to watch and I hope they win. :)

  7. BSBMamaFlip avatar

    AWESOME!!!!! :)

  8. Faby Skulleez avatar


    I hope they win.

    Good luck Sweet D and James.