News article image Soldier of the Month – April 2017 – Meet Tracy
April 03, 2017

Soldier of the Month – April 2017 – Meet Tracy

Click here to nominate a fellow soldier to be May's Soldier of the Month!

By Karah-Leigh Hancock 
Twitter: @Princess_Karah

On April 20, the Backstreet Boys will celebrate 24 years together and are still going strong with a new Vegas residency, new albums and an upcoming 25th anniversary tour next year. A lot of marriages do not last 24 years, much less a band.

That’s 24 years of records, concerts, award nominations and tours, but to Tracy Parr of New Jersey, the Backstreet Boys’ biggest accomplishment is something very simple.

“I think their biggest accomplishment is staying together for so long and staying humble and loyal to their fanbase,” Parr said. “It's hard to do in this industry and it's also hard to stay true to your roots while reinventing yourself as well.”

Parr thinks that a big part of the five men staying so grounded is the fact that they have been there for one another since the beginning.

'“It's so easy to get swept up in fame without friends to support you,” she said. “Prime example is Kevin being there for Nick and AJ. He saved both of their lives and I think if he hadn't stepped in, it would have turned out a lot differently. They've always been a tight knit group and act like brothers. You don't see that a lot these days with bands.”

Now, meet Tracy – the April 2017 Soldier of the Month:

Fan Club Username: FrickingKaos
Twitter: FrickingKaos
Where are you from? Succasunna, New Jersey

What do you do for a living? (job, etc.) I work at Taco Bell and I am a night deli clerk at ShopRite.

Tell us a little bit about yourself: Other than BSB, I enjoy a wide range of music -- everything from the Beach Boys to Marilyn Manson. I write fanfiction and cosplay as a hobby, and I'm obsessed with Harry Potter. My favorite food is pizza. I love traveling and making new friends.

How long have you been a BSB fan? Since 1996, but I didn't become fully obsessed until 1998.

How did you become a fan? I heard them on the radio one time and I loved it, but I didn't know who sang the song. Then later, my mom bought me a cassette tape of their US album and I listened to it so much I wore it out and had to buy a new one.

What is your favorite BSB memory? The first time I met the boys in 2011 at the NKOTBSB tour. I was afraid to walk up to them and Brian just came up and threw his arms around me. I'll never forget it.

What is your favorite BSB song and why? It's changed many times over the years, but I would have to say “10,000 Promises” currently. It's such a classic song.

What is your favorite BSB video and why? Favorite music video would have to be “Just Want You To Know.” Just because it's totally funny and ridiculous and it's not like their other videos. It's just fun.

Who is your favorite Backstreet Boy and why? For a long, long time, it was Nick. Then in 2011, Brian stole me for like a good month. Then Nick won me back ... And Brian stole me ... So I guess I am more of a Brian girl these days.

How has BSB impacted your life? The boys have helped me through some of the hardest moments of my life. One of them being one Thanksgiving morning eight years ago. I was mentally and physically exhausted. I never took care of myself first. I thought I had nothing to live for. I wanted to just end everything, but I stopped to listen to Nick's solo album and I calmed down enough to change my mind. He and the rest of the boys inspire me ever day to keep going and to always stay on the right track.

What is your favorite thing about being a BSB fan? Meeting all the fans at their events. I don't do a lot of events, but it's fun to see my friends that I don't see normally. I've met some of my best friends online through BSB.

Are you heading to Vegas this summer to see the boys? Absolutely. I'll be there for my birthday week - June 28th to July 6th. I'm doing the June 30th show with VIP and the July 1st show.

What are you excited to see at in the Vegas show? I can't wait to see the dance routines and hear a lot of older songs ... Not to mention the boys of course. But I am really excited to see the full show. From what I've read and the clips I've seen it looks fantastic.