1. Tracie Beattie avatar

    I want to be there soooooo bad. too bad i dont have any money or id be there in June when schools out

  2. BrainHasMyHeart avatar

    I cannot wait to see which celebrity it at my show and even if there's isn't one I will have the Backstreet Boys there. I cannot wait for my show and realized that 3 months from today is my show which also means less then 3 months I will be leaving to go to Vegas with my best friend

  3. Patty Serrano avatar

    Yay Grandma!!! It so awesome how there are BSB fans from all ages! I always have BSB playing everywhere I go, I am youth coordinator at my church and sometimes I give rides to my young ladies and they have learned to love them! Love it! Long live BSB fans! #bsbvegas