November 17, 2016

21 Things You’ll Understand if You’re Slightly Obsessed with the Backstreet Boys

  1. You freak out when you hear a BSB song on the radio (almost as if you’ve never heard the song before) and then immediately feel the need to inform your friends of this exciting news.
  2. When a tour is announced, you start scheming to figure out which shows and VIPs you’ll be able do…and more importantly afford.
  3. There is an immediate connection when you meet another fan. #ItsABackstreetThing
  4. You feel a surge of adrenaline the second you walk into a venue for a BSB concert.
  5. You can identify a song within the first few notes of hearing it.
  6. You secretly love all the drama on twitter.
  7. There’s a good chance you’ve had to lie about how much you’ve spent on concert tickets and VIPs because someone in your life has judged you for it.
  8. You still get butterflies when you see them in person…
  9. And don’t even get us started on getting hugs from your 5 favorite men.
  10. You don’t care if others don’t understand why you need to see the same show multiple times on the same tour. Yes, it’s the same show with the same songs, but we don’t care!!
  11. All you want on your birthday is a tweet from your fave boy. Is that too much to ask?
  12. You always know any Backstreet Boy news before its officially announced. And then inevitably a friend or family member informs you of this same “news” 5 weeks later asking if you’ve heard about it. *rolls eyes*
  13. You wholeheartedly believe a Backstreet Cruise is the greatest thing that ever existed.
  14. You are notorious for weaving BSB into any conversation regardless of the audience.
  15. You prefer to leave your significant other at home when BSB is in town so you can enjoy unbridled restraint when Nick starts thrusting on stage.
  16. Very few things in life make you quite as excited as a wave or a fleeting look from your fave BSB during a concert.
  17. You struggle with the fact that others don’t understand how you can still love a “boyband” as an adult.
  18. You will never get sick of hearing ‘Backstreet’s Back’ live in concert. We still get chills every time.
  19. They are and always will be the first place you turn when you’re having a bad day.
  20. The most anxiety-inducing moments in life are during a concert pre-sale.
  21. When you haven’t seen the boys in a while, you start to get that itch to need to see them again ASAP.

And on that note, is it March yet?? We’re not so patiently counting down the days…

By Laura D
BSB Fanclub: