1. Clara406 avatar

    Booked and ready to go. Does anyone know how the meet and greets go? How does that work? Super excited. Mother - daughter trip.

  2. Mach avatar

    I like the sounds of a tour too!! ??????????????????????????

  3. Princess13 avatar

    BSB you were and always will be my first love. I can't wait to see you live. It's been a dream of mine to meet you guys face to face and see you guys sing live...I really wanted you guys to do a show in Kenya and wrote a few times to y'all..but didn't come to pass.. but I am here now and cannot wait to fulfill the dream, I had to see you guys live in concert.. your fan of 20 years :*

  4. Poe and BSB forever avatar

    I can wait to see you guys, i've been dreaming since more than 20 years, and was never able to come and see you in concert!

    my dream is finally coming true, can't wait to see how much will be the meet and greet packages, is it different than the VIP packages??? (never bought so i don't know) anyone can answer me would be nice :)

  5. Brenda Joy Osler avatar

    Hey BSB! What's up ?How are you all doing tonight? I'm doing great. Thank you BSB. You know what fellas? I do have a boyfriend of over two years and his name is Steven Stutzman. Steven and I are huge fans of you guys. We had our very first kiss as a couple to your song titled "As Long As You Love Me." To the both of us ,it was the most magical thing that has ever happened to us. You guys have inspired me positively to become anything that I wanted to be in life. That is to be great, positive, uplifting, positively encouraging, and to be a excellent role model towards Steven. Whenever Steven had a problem, issue, or anything that is bothering him, I came to his rescue right away. I sat down and talked to him. I asked Steven honey, what's wrong sweetheart? Steven replied to me that his roommates are making him mad, his ex is stalking him,and that makes him feel very angry.I gave Steven really good advice. Don't let anyone get the best out of you .They will do anything and everything to push your buttons just to get you mad. Ignore all that negativity by focusing on me as your very beautiful, very pretty, very hot, very attractive, and of course very sexy. Never forget that there are a lot more to life than just life itself. It's all about having a very positive attitude and a very positive mindset.That's what makes him who he is.Steven, you mean the world to me and never forget that as long as you are with me, that's all that matters.

  6. Dentalgrl3 avatar

    I can't wait to see how much the meet and greets are! I already have my tickets for March!

  7. Lauren24 avatar

    I know right?!?!?! I need to take out a BSB loan to get this accomplished! Vegas baby!!!!

  8. ResaD avatar

    Just when I think my bank account might breathe, AJ says him and Howie MIGHT show some skin...and there goes any funds I had left. Thanks AJ!