1. LenniluvsBrian avatar

    I don't understand how to sign up though.

  2. Marina xoxo avatar

    So beautiful! Congrats!!!

  3. Johana C. avatar

    What a beautiful story!! Hey I'm from Panama too!! :D Congratulations!!

  4. Lisa Farruggia avatar

    Good story i have never been on the BSB cruise i bet it was fun

  5. Nicky Toronto avatar

    Hey Girl !!!

    Great story :) was really nice reading about your BSB journey. Hope to meet you in person one day. We have probably been at the same events many times and had no clue lol

    take care
    Nicky :)

  6. Laura Fu avatar

    Thank you for sharing your story,and welcome to the SOTM club! I was the SOTM for October 2015.

    I was also in Times Square during one of their TRL appearances (I was at Hofstra 98-02 and went many times). I wonder if we were both in the crowd at the same time!