1. Franca Sparaco avatar

    So Cute.

  2. MReighly avatar

    HAHAHA! OMG. This is great. XD

  3. Repuntzel45 avatar


  4. Lacy avatar

    I need to jump ship to Apple ASAP!

  5. *BSB lover always & forever!* avatar

    I have an android phone.. Why can't they be for every phone??? :( I really want to text everyone with your emojis it will be fun to drive my mom nuts with it all.. LOL

  6. Forever Rebel avatar

    Can we make this available on android phones too? LOL

  7. latingrl619 avatar

    Uh oh! My phone is an android. Sorry backstreet boys. I won't be able to download it

  8. KarahLeigh avatar

    As it should LOL

  9. matt avatar

    This is what all of Eddie and Justin's texts look like