July 11, 2016

July Soldier of the Month

If you visit various Backstreet Boys related websites to get your BSB fix, then you have already met this month’s soldier.

Her name is Audrey and she runs Brian Littrell Central. And that’s not all. On top of BLC, she has a website for his wife, Leighanne and one for the boys themselves.

Fan Club Username: Audrey
Location:  Lyon, France
Twitter:  @yerdua4

Tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am born, was raised and I live in the beautiful city of Lyon in France. I am a nursing assistant and have worked in the medical since I was 18. I am not really good when I have to talk about myself, but I would say I am a helpless dreamer, who can't live without her family, her friends and who is musicholic. Obviously, I am BSB soldier! I discovered them and their music back in November 1995... and I have been"stuck" to them since.

What is your favorite BSB memory?
Oh wow that's a tough one! I am lucky enough to have a bunch of amazing Backstreet memories! My very first BSB concert (October 2005 in Italy), or my very first meeting with them (April 2008 - minus Kevin, unfortunately) or even that time one of the boys remembered me and called me by my name (*fangirling* LOL!!!)

But if I have to pick a special one, it would be that time they came back in my country to offer us the "In A World Like This" show... It was the very first time I had the opportunity to meet them and applaud them "at home"... It may seem a detail for many.... but to be able to welcome them back in Paris after 15 years was magical! For this occasion, the public were welded and we surprised them with two fanactions!! The atmosphere was so very special... I will never ever forget March 18, 2014 :) I really hope the boys will come back soon in our country.

What is your favorite BSB song and why?
My favorite song changes according to my mood, but there's a bunch of songs I never get tired of listen to or/and have a special meaning for me. One of them is "Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely"… This song was released not so long after the death of my godfather.

What is your favorite BSB video and why?
It would have been easier for me to answer the question "what's your least favorite BSB Video.”

To choose a recent one (and the latest!), I will choose "Show 'Em What You're Made Of.” A really simple video with no frills, but a beautiful one for a powerful song! And I just love the reason why Brian and AJ choose to be shirtless.

How has BSB impacted your life?
As everybody, I had/have ups and downs…  a period of my life was dark…Their sayings, their own personal stories, and their lyrics helped me to go through it.  And even today, they are my lifeline / my lighthouse… Those five men really are inspirational and motivational !!  :)

What is your favorite thing about being a BSB fan?
My favorite things are :

* The 5 incredible men themselves.

* ALL the AMAZING people I get to meet online or during my BSB 'adventures' ... and that I am lucky enough to call my friends.... I met my bestest friends thanks to the BSB!! And I keep meeting and speaking with incredible and beautiful souls!

* The travels I am doing with my friends to see the boys either during a concert somewhere in Europe, to discover their movie on a big screen in London, to support one of their charity during my vacations in Georgia, or on the sea during a crazy but amazing cruise on the Mediterranean Sea....