April 22, 2016

Let's Get Packing! Countdown to #BSBCruise2016

The 2016 European Backstreet Boys cruise is less than three weeks away and cruisers are counting down the days and getting prepared for a once-in-a-lifetime trip with friends and the top-selling boy band of all time. 
But with all the excitement of four days at sea with Nick, AJ, Brian, Kevin, and Howie, there are several things cruisers need to think about before heading to Barcelona and Europe in general. 
Here are a few helpful tips for cruisers to make sure you are ready for the 2016 Backstreet Boys cruise.
Unless you’re already from Europe, it would be a good idea to order some Euros from your local banking institution. Most credit cards charge fees, if you use them in another country, adds sometimes up to 3 percent of what you’re spending on top of other fees. While it’s never safe to walk around with a lot of cash, it would be a good idea to have some for food, drinks, or transportation while you are not on the boat. 
The Brilliance of the Seas cruise ship is an American ship, so it will have American plug-ins, which is good for Americans, but not for other cruisers. Also, the hotels will have European plug-ins, so research and make sure you get a travel converter that will work so that you can keep your camera and cell phone charged. Also, check your hair appliances to see if they are dual voltage or not because they may not be able to be used with travel converters. 
Be prepared for a lot of walking on the cruise, especially now that cruisers will be getting off at two other ports in France and Italy. Comfortable shoes are a must in these conditions because there will also be a lot of standing and walking on the boat, especially on deck parties. 
Before you leave home, leave all of your information with family and friends. Let them know your flight numbers, where you will be staying before and after the cruise, your room number on the boat and any other information that they may need in case of an emergency. 
Be sure to have all of your documents with you before you leave home, such as your passport, identification, cruise boarding information and anything else you may need such as anything medical conditions. 
If you have a group of four or five friends either in your room or in two separate rooms, then you are set for your group photo. However, if you don’t have a girl for one of the boys, don’t fret. There will always be people who are traveling alone or will need a group photo. It’s also a great way to meet new friends. 
Cruisers should expect to have at least more than one outfit per day, due to theme parties and dressing up if you chose to go to the actual dinner each night. Pack smart and try not to over pack because you will want room for any souvenirs that you will buy either off the boat or any Backstreet Boys cruise merchandise. Also, remember that the cruise ship has laundry facilities so you can always wash and reuse clothing. 
Be sure to check with your wireless company to find out what packages they have for international travel or special cruise ship packages that they may have with Royal Caribbean. When the ship is at sea, every cruiser uses the ship’s data power, which can be costly and many cruisers in the past have had huge cell phone bills afterwards. Some cruisers like to completely turn off all communication during the trip. 
Selfie sticks - Do not forget to bring a selfie stick so you can take photos of yourself all over Europe and on the boat. 
Do not forget to pack some of the most important things - toiletries and medication. Pack enough shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, etc. Pack anything you think you may need on the cruise. 
Sunscreen and sunglasses.
Batteries, make sure you pack lots of batteries. But if you bring them with you on a plane, be sure to check the correct way to store batteries on a flight.
Need more cruise tips? Head over to the fan club cruise topics and talk about any of these topics and more with other cruisers.
Karah-Leigh Hancock (@Princess_Karah)