1. BSBfanUK1997 avatar

    I don't remember the exact moment I became a fan. I liked their music back in 1996 when I was 12 years old, but I became a proper fan when Nick stole my heart around Feb 1997. I had all the videos and CDs and was obsessed with finding out new information online - not so easy in the late 90s! I loved their concerts in 1998 and 1999. I've never stopped liking them, but I've recently rediscovered them and I can't wait for them to return with a UK tour! Kathryn, England.

  2. Mercedes Basso avatar

    Sigo con mi msg. No fui al This Is Us Tour xk justo nació mi hija y era muy bebita.
    Tengo algún que otro single (aunque me gustaría tenerlos TODOS) y tengo TODOS LOS CDS. Tengo canciones inéditas las cuales no salieron en los discos que se editaron en latinoamérica.
    También tengo una biografía de ellos desde sus comienzos pero no está completa. Los conocí en persona el año pasado en el IAWLT World Tour Argentina en el Luna Park gracias a que pude comprar la VIP Gold!!! Estaba temblando!!! REcién entré en razón que los conocí el 31 de Diciembre de 2015 a la 1:00 AM ¡¡¡¡Lo que lloré!!!!!!

  3. Mercedes Basso avatar

    Soy de Argentina. SOY fan de Backstreet Boys desde los 12 años de edad. Me acuerdo que la primera vez que ví uno de sus videoclips era Navidad, vísperas de Año Nuevo (acá es Verano).
    Vi "Anywhere for You" y después "Get Down" por un canal musical que solo pasaba videoclips llamado The Box, y me acuerdo que dije #¿Quiénes son estos potros? Era 1995 casi 1996 y en la radio acá en Argentina pasaron por primera vez "We've Got It Goin' On" y dijeron que eran ellos. Me volvi loca en ese mismo momento por ellos.
    Empecé a buscar info por todos lados (en ese momento NO HABÍA INTERNET) asique tenía que esperar a comprar las revistas semanales para ver si traía algo de ellos. Así fui recolectando de todo de ellos. Fui a casi todos los recitales de ellos como grupo (Me faltó el This Is Us Tour por

  4. Natalie87 avatar

    The moment I became a BSB fan happened in 1996 when I was 12. I was watching MTV after school and 'All I have to give' came up and that was IT moment! I fell in love with these five and couldn't wait until I see their videos again spending days around TV. Then all this craziness started: collecting posters and magazines, buying albums and video tapes with their shows.
    I've been a BSB fan for 19 years and they've always been there for me with their music, no matter what I was going through and for this I will be always thankful!!
    I'm a BSB fan for life!!!

  5. NatashaMarie1198 avatar

    I am SO sad i missed out on telling my story so i will do it in the comments!

    I was in 3rd or 4th grade, I dont remember exactly when I heard "Quit Playin' Games (With My Heart), but I heard it somewhere because I remember RUNNING home off the school bus everyday and sitting by the radio to hear it (they always played it around the same time everyday). I might have even recorded it on a blank tape from the radio, lol. They also always played it at our Skating Rink back in the day! My real dad (who is passed now), got me their album self entitled for my birthday that year it came out and ended up liking it and kept it for himself (he didnt live with us), so he gave me money to buy another one :). I was BSB everything, all day and everyday from the time I heard that song. When we finally got internet, all i did all day was search anything about BSB. I remember being in their fans of the Millennium book! The day i saw them in concert for the first time their first concert date of the "millennium", was their "into the millennium" show at Penn State. We had nose bleeds but it was still the best day of my life. I am so blessed i can still follow this band and have gotten to meet them and see them front row still to this day. I can listen to their older albums and remember exact moments from what i was doing and where i was when I listened to them as a kid. So thankful they are still here. <3

  6. CountPhoenixCrane avatar

    Even though I have been listening to BSB off and on since 2000, I haven't become a die hard fan until recently. I am a musician myself and I always wanted to meet the guys and go on a cruise with them. Besides two other bands, they are my soul. I took a hiatus from being a fan, but I am back and cannot wait to renew my membership, I am forever a BSB fan!

  7. Johana C. avatar

    It was 1997... I heard "Quit Playing Games" on a radio station here in Panama City in Central America. Can you imagine? Then one day... I was at a music store and something caught my eye...there were 5 super handsome guys on a red cover album and it included 2 songs in Spanish! Awesome!! I couldn't believe it!! It was love at first sight and song!! Little did I know that those 5 talented guys will come in 2001 to my country!! And to make things more incredible I never thought I will meet them personally 10 years later and even cruise with them in the Bahamas!! God is perfect and has make my dreams come true!!

  8. Alfonzso avatar

    The moment I became a Backstreet Boys fan.....

    I guess i just grew up with them. It was like pfff 96 or something. Around the time BSB became big in Germany and later on in the rest of Europe (you know, i'm from Belgium). Their songs came on to the radio and as a kid i just liked it. i remember that i even did a playback in a summercamp in '97 with the song 'Get Down'. Still got a picture of it.. hahaha damn, i was like 13 years old hahaha, Yeah good memories. My 12-year older brother already bought some albums and after a while he stopped buying them. But i asked to buy the greatest hits chapter one. I replayed it like a 100 times or something. I could sing all the songs.

    i kept playing the album from time to time, it helped to get relaxed a bit and i sang along everytime and then finally when i've heard like in march of 2005, the internet was still slow and stuff, but i've read it at school that there was gonna be a new song. The first time Incomplete came out, i've repeated it a like crazy! i wanted to know the text before i went home and it got into my head.

    But yeah i basically was a fan from the beginning. Now if i tell it to people, the think i'm a weirdo or gay.. hahah i don't care. BSB rules yow!! Keep it going. respect!!

  9. Vanessa avatar

    The year 1997. The song Everybody ( backstreets's back) (- original version, you know prior to always playing the song in the extended remix version). Age - 18. Saw it ( and Nick )for the first time on Video Hits Australia and have never looked back. To think if not for that song my life would've been completely different. Because of BSB ( and that song!) I have travelled the world chasing them, their memorabilia and their concerts. Now it's cruise time and the Love just keeps going!
    Thank you BSB!

  10. bsb fan avatar

    The moment I became a Backstreet Boys fan..... Thinking back I was about 5-6 years old, one Saturday morning I was watching TV Hits (an Australian music show that used to be on every Saturday morning). And "Quit playing games" came on from that moment I heard their beautiful voices I new my life was changed for the better. After that I remember recording every music video that was on TV (even if I had it recorded 100 times already), every award show attendance or performance, or constantly listening to the radio and taping every song that played or talk shows that they were on.

    The first album I ever got was backstreet boys self titled album and I would listen to it on repeat, and every time an album was released I would do the same thing.

    I have been a BSB fan for about 20 years and I have to say it has been an amazing ride, they have been there throughout all of my ups and downs, and I honestly don't know what I would do without there music.

    I wish my wonderfully beautiful boys Brian, Kevin, AJ, Nick and Howie a lifetime of health, love & happiness. Without y'all I wouldn't be the crazed fan I am today.

    ??'Always Maryanne
    One of your many biggest fans xoxoxo