1. Lacy avatar

    I meant that I agree with #4. LOL! Although #2 is also nice. (My brain is not functioning today.)

  2. Lacy avatar

    I definitely agree with #2. ;)

    Will be trying out #1 pronto!

  3. ILoveNickolasGeneCarter avatar

    Love this!! A nice reminder to change my ring tone =D

    If anyone wants: autographed Nick photo, autographed Backstreet Mom book, Nick&Kight CD, keychain, e-mail [email protected], as I'm selling extras. Keychain is free if you want the other items :)

  4. Laysa Eloá da Silva avatar

    La ta la ta ta ta ta, it's christmas time again...
    I LOVE IT!!!!! S2

  5. *BSB lover always & forever!* avatar

    Last year for Christmas my big brother got me a BSB tote bag! I love it! I was caring a cookie monster purse but once I got the tote bag, I changed to that and yes I still carry it!! Of course listening to it's Christmas time again is always fun to do, just the other day when shopping it came on and I did my best on trying not to sing too loud. LOL. Also me & my niece were just listening to it! For this year I bring up whatever I can to get that's of you guys! I can't wait to see what I get this year :)