November 22, 2015

How it feels to love a band for over 20 years

When we were younger, we knew everything about BSB. Seriously, everything. It was a test of how big of a fan we were. Where was Nick born? Jamestown, NY. How many brothers does Kevin have? Two. Who is Tony Donetti? Howie. Where did the band get its name? Backstreet Market in Orlando. Looking back on it now it may seem a little silly, but that was the beginning of our 20-year love story.
What BSB fan didn’t dream of getting a rose from Howie? To this day, “Just to Be Close to You” reminds everyone why we fell in love with him. Howie is truly one of the nicest people that you will ever meet and he has a way of making the fans feel special every single time. We have always known him as Sweet D, and now have been lucky enough to find out just how true that is. 
Kevin was always the big brother of the band; the serious one and the one that our mothers loved. When Kevin left in 2006, we were all understandably upset. It was hard for us to think of the band as a foursome and we all knew that no one would ever be able to take his place. None of us were really prepared for the announcement of his return – there were more than a few tears shed over that news. Meeting Kevin now, you can see how truly grateful and happy he is. He goes out of his way to ensure that every meeting with fans is meaningful and memorable. Needless to say, our mothers were absolutely right about him.
Brian won everyone’s hearts right from the beginning. His voice was something special and every time that he sang he made us proud to call him ours. Knowing what we all know now about his struggles with his voice, we are prouder than ever to be his fans. He was open about it and shared something that was deeply personal and difficult. Nothing makes us happier now than hearing him hit that high note and knowing how strong he is.
AJ was always the cool one – he had tattoos, wore sunglasses, and had a different hairstyle all the time. He drew us in with this raspy voice and his dance moves, but his bad boy persona is really what made us fall in love. When AJ went into rehab few of us really knew what that meant. We knew that he needed help, but did not really understand the extent of it. Now we realize how hard he fought and how difficult all of it was for him. There are no words for how proud we are of his journey to get, and stay, healthy.  Seeing AJ as a dad and the pure joy that it brings him makes all of us so happy. His daughter has been such a positive influence in his life and it is a beautiful thing to see.
Nick, the baby of the group, the one that we have seen grow up right in front of us. He first stole our hearts playing basketball in the “We’ve Got It Goin On” video, and has never given them back. To this day, he still leaves you a little breathless when you make eye contact him.  Nick always puts his all into everything that he does, whether it be as part of the group or a solo project. We all know how much Nick has gone through and how hard a lot of it was on him. He has always been open and honest about his mistakes in the past, and has used his experience to try to motivate people to be better. He is happier and healthier than he has ever been and we truly love to see that.
We have seen them grow not just as band, but as men that have dealt with family issues, relationships, health problems, and parenthood – just like us. We have come to respect them as people and recognize them as more than a boyband. The boys give us a sense of belonging to something special; something that is truly unique. We do the same for them; which makes all the tears, all the laughter, and all the fun something that none of us take for granted. 
People may not understand when we talk about loving BSB. To them, we are still those fifteen-year-olds that are planning a wedding to our favourite Boy, or adults that are still wistfully hoping for that chance. What those people do not understand is that it is not about that anymore. They are still the same Backstreet Boys that they have always been, but something is different now. When we say that we love them we sincerely mean it. However, it is not as teenagers in love with the world’s biggest boyband but as adults that have grown along with these five guys.
 Seeing them on stage now still brings the same feelings of happiness and joy as all those years ago. When we hear them on the radio or see them on TV we still get just as excited as we used to, but this is more than just nostalgia to us. According to most, the script written for a boyband and their fans is a short one: a quick read with a definitive ending. This was never supposed to happen; we were never meant to grow up with these guys. We were never supposed to impact each other’s lives like we have. We have beaten the odds and happily proved all the doubters wrong. That is what makes every concert, every hug, and every moment so special. Our love story may have changed over time, but as long as there’ll be music it will never end. They will always be our Boys.

Written by Andrea Bove