November 20, 2015

5 Backstreet Questions with Sharna

As we gear up to watch Nick take home the Mirror Ball trophy next week, let’s find out just how much of a Backstreet Girl his partner is…
What’s your favourite BSB song?
I am going to have to say either ‘Quit Playing Games With My Heart,’ because I was in love with the music video when I was a kid, or ‘Backstreet’s Back’.
You mentioned your wall was covered with BSB posters when you were younger. Any memorable ones?
Oh there were a lot of posters of the Backstreet Boys. There were a couple of just Nick as well! I don’t even know how to describe the specific ones, but they were from all the teen magazines that you have when you’re a kid and I would spend hours placing these posters on my wall to make sure they were perfect. It was corner-to-corner posters. I can still picture it in my mind. I can also see my mum coming into the room just shaking her head at me and walking back out.
Sounds very familiar…
If you had to do switch up week with another Backstreet Boy, who would you choose and why?
I always thought AJ was a fantastic dancer and he’s got a great, big personality. He seems like a lot of fun, but really loving and warm, so I think he’d be awesome. I’m trying to recruit him for my partner in season 23.
What’s been your favorite memory with Nick outside of rehearsals? Have you had a chance to hang outside the show?
We haven’t really been able to. Our days are pretty long, but we have a lot of fun at the studio and we’re hanging out every day for a good chunk of around six hours. We’re trying to plan a dinner with myself, Paul, Nick and Lauren, so hopefully we can make that happen soon.
Any fun facts, bad habits or funny things you can share about Nick?
I have never, ever known him to smell bad. Even after a really long day. So that’s a good thing that fans should know – he smells good all the time. And they would probably know this already, but he is an incredibly hard worker, yet will have these burst out moments of silliness, where he’ll be rolling around on the floor or trying to do break-dancing moves. He just likes to have fun and make fun of himself and I think that’s such a cool quality to have.
*Spend your weekend recruiting friends, family and strangers then get ready to place final votes for Nick and Sharna on Monday night!

Photos: Vince Truspin
By Leena Tailor / @LeenaNZ