1. Sway_Shay avatar

    It's a blast on these cruises!! It's very addicting! LOL

  2. Lacy avatar

    I am absolutely going the next time this cruise is brought to the states! Looks like an amazing time... adventure!

  3. ILoveNickolasGeneCarter avatar

    Awesome photos!!! The cruise looks like so much fun!! :)

    If anyone wants a Nick & Knight CD, e-mail me at [email protected]. Want to sell my extra copy to another BSB fan :)

  4. LauraD avatar

    Thanks Kristie!! Glad you enjoyed it :)

    And I second your vote to bring back Bachelorette night! That is one theme I dont think would ever get old.

  5. kristie_sacch avatar

    Laura- this is AMAZING- love it! definitely laugh-worthy!

    ...and note to bsb- I vote to bring back bachelorette night because some of us weren't lucky enough to attend that cruise =P