October 23, 2015

Why You'll Never Forget Your First BSB Concert

No matter how many times you have seen BSB in concert, nothing will ever compare to that first time. After all this time, that first concert is still special. That is the moment that they became real – your favourite guys are right there in front of your eyes. Something that was almost overwhelming to all of us.
Speaking with a few other fans, our first BSB experiences were all ones that we will never forget. Krystal K, a BSB fans since a very early age, saw her first show when she was 9. She remembers getting that first set of tickets and not believing it. She could not believe that she was actually going to see them in person; something that she never thought would happen. Erica B’s first concert came after pleading with her parents for months and months. They finally gave in, and she finally got to experience BSB live a month after her 12th birthday. Now, after seeing the Boys more times than her current age, that first show still holds a special place in her heart. Krystal C still remembers getting ready for her first concert and listening to them to prepare. She could barely grasp the fact that she was going to see them in person in just a few hours.
It is at this point that all of our parents deserve a special shout out. They definitely deserve some acknowledgement for buying our tickets, driving us to the shows, and waiting patiently while their children screamed, cried, and sang every word. Without them none of it would have been possible – they truly are the perfect fans.
Long before social media gave us opportunities to interact with the guys, all we had were these shows. The very thought that we would be in the same room as them, breathing the same air, was the most exciting thing in the world to us. Your first BSB concert is when you realized that those Boys were something special. From the minute the lights went down, right to the very last note, you knew that you were a part of something bigger than yourself. The crowd singing every word, the beat of the music, and of course, those five part harmonies. Finally experiencing all of it and hearing all your favourite songs live was unlike anything else that you had every experienced. It was pure joy and happiness – all because of those five guys.
To others, it might have just looked like a bunch of kids seeing a silly boy band; something that we all just needed to get out of our systems. To us it was different because even then we knew that it was so much more than that. Our pre-teen selves had no idea what was to come – and how lucky we would all be 20 years later – but at that point we could not have asked for more. We had all become a part of Backstreet history from the moment they ripped our tickets. Nick, AJ, Brian, Howie, and Kevin were real to us now – and this was only the beginning. 
Written by AndreaB