1. AndreaB avatar

    Drew is my absolute favourite. He is such a nice guy; we are lucky to have him on the team.

  2. Sway_Shay avatar

    Aww I love this and I see Drew as a big teddy bear! : )

  3. Julianna avatar

    Drew, this question and answer session was much appreciated. Cannot wait to see you again soon! You always make BSB events memorable!

  4. Carol Rizzi avatar

    I just love it! Brian couldn't have a better man on his side! A strong (not fat, just heavy boned) and funny man! What a team hahahaha By the way I love popcorn too e I don't see any problem on going at Mc Donalds at 7am on pjs hahahaha Still remember Drew's face when I delivered my huge gift bag to him (that was for Bee) and said it was all candy, his green eyes just sparkled hahaha I wonder if Brian ever got that part of my gift... hahahaha

  5. Lacy avatar

    These spotlight articles on the BSB team are awesome!

  6. ILoveNickolasGeneCarter avatar

    Love reading these! Keep them coming! :)

    If anyone wants: an autographed Backstreet Mom book, autographed Nick photo, Nick & Knight CD & a BSB key chain, please e-mail (do not msg) me at [email protected] :)

  7. ResaD avatar

    I love Drew, he totally cracks me up. And, yeah, he had me rolling with this. A great guy to really know! :)

  8. Audrey avatar

    Thank you very much for this another "25 things you didn't know about..."
    I like reading about the BsB amazing crew/team!!
    BsB + their team = the BESTEST !!! <3