News article image BSB hit Middle Earth!
May 05, 2015

BSB hit Middle Earth!

While US fans count down to May 13th for a special encore screening of Show ‘Em What You’re Made Of, BSB are busy taking their In A World Like This tour to far corners of the globe.

With the Southeast Asian leg about to wrap in Bangkok, the boys are now getting ready to hit the land Down Under.

“I can’t wait to head back over to Australia and New Zealand,” says AJ. “I’m a huge golfer, so I love going down to the Gold Coast and playing golf.

“And New Zealand, this time I really want to go to where they filmed Lord of the Rings. I know it’s a bit of trek, but I’ve wanted to do that forever now. I’m a huge fan of that entire book series.

“I’d love to see both Australia and New Zealand differently this time – get out and do a little bit more touristy stuff as opposed to the typical shopping and night life. I’d love to go out, have some local cuisine and just have fun.”

Speaking of fun, thrill-seeker Howie has no qualms about getting his adrenaline pumping with more heart-racing activities – just don’t tell his dad-in-law!

“A lot of us are very adventurous so being over there last time I wanted to go sky-diving again, but I already did it once … so I tested fate once and my father-in-law said, ‘Don’t do that ever again!’” says Howie.

“If not I would have done it … but maybe I’ll do some bungy-jumping this time!”

Kevin is meanwhile looking forward to spending his first visit to New Zealand “getting outside, jumping in a waterfall and hiking in the woods,” while Nick’s planning to revisit some of his favourite waterfront restaurants in Auckland
“It was so beautiful down there last time,” says Nick. “I loved the water, the sunshine and the fans. There were great restaurants at the port and a really cool area to just walk around. It was really beautiful.”
*While the boys are busy playing for their fans Down Under, US fans can still get their Backstreet fix when Show ‘Em What You’re Mademakes a special return to theatres for one night only on May 13th. Click HERE for more info and to purchase tickets to your local screening. 

And don’t forget the doco is now out on DVD! Order your copy HERE

By Leena Tailor / @LeenaNZ