1. HalfGoofy avatar

    Hello, I lived off of Orange Blossom trail and Worked for the Mouse, ... I only Briefly met "Q" .. but seemed a very caring person ... May You be Blessed with those that met him and Enjoyed his goodness also.

  2. HalfGoofy avatar

    Will truly Be Missed, A profile Page is Available on www.famousfix.com http://members.famousfix.com/update/template-about/p55621727 Hope You can always remember the goodness and have the pain disappear. Visit the site ... Your Friend HalfGoofy WDW/FIX

  3. mags 51 avatar

    so sorry for your loss be strong for your little girl she is such a cutie my heart goes out to you both x

  4. pilsbury4 avatar

    I got to say hi to Angela and Chloe after the Premiere and OH MY GOSH. Angela was so nice and Chloe was tired but dealt with everybody cooing at her. She looks just like her dad and I'm so glad that she'll have not only her brothers and family but fans to keep her father's memories alive.

  5. *BSB lover always & forever!* avatar

    When I read this I got teary eyed. Chloe is so cute! One of the first things I saw of Q right away I said he's so cool! He'll always be in our hearts <3

  6. rubia bsb avatar

    Infelizmente as pessoas não vivem para sempre, mas nada apaga pessoas especiais de nossa lembrança, menina muito bonita e feliz a filha dele

  7. ANNOULA avatar

    Q was always so friendly and a great person! we always joked around when i saw him and would take my photos with AJ lol ...we formed a great friendship and even though we lost a wonderful person, he will always be remembered in our hearts!

  8. Clau Carter avatar

    So sad :( He's still in our hearts!! Chloe is adorable!

  9. NKAOSKID avatar

    Q we miss u

  10. Mónica Ospino avatar

    Es muy triste lo sucedido para su familia, los BSB y para quienes lo vimos a través de los años junto al grupo. Mis condolencias para su esposa e hijos. Muchas fortaleza.
    Posdata: Sigue sin convencerme Lauren, para mi cada cosa que hace, lo hace por conveniencia propia, para tratar de mostrar lo que no es.