February 05, 2015

Backstreet Words of Wisdom

There’s just three weeks until the UK release of Show ‘Em What You’re Made Of, so it’s time to turn our attention across the pond to those five young Brits who BSB hilariously tried to name for E! Online last week (Nigel!? Nice try, Nick). 

It’s only natural that rarely an interview goes by where BSB don’t get asked about their advice for One Direction. After all, they’re the seven-time Grammy nominated, best-selling boy band on the planet, so who in the pop world wouldn’t want their words of wisdom?

But when it comes to 1D, our guys are the first to admit that the English lads are doing great on their own.

“They don’t need any advice – they’re doing really good,” says Kevin, whose favourite 1D song is “not the newest single, but the single before that, that was acoustic-based”. (We think he means ‘You and I’).

“They’re really doing quite well, so they don’t need the advice of their seniors,” adds AJ. “We are seniors now!

“But I think just to stay on your own path. We stayed true to ourselves and never swayed too far out of our comfort zone because there was something that worked. There was a true Backstreet Boys sound, musically and sonically, that worked.

“We’re friends, we’re family and we’ve been through highs and lows together and this whole journey and whole film is a testament to our fans and to each other.

“So to any groups that come and go or are still here –  stay on your own path, have fun, make sure it’s all about the music first and be really good to your fans. 

“Stop and take pictures – even if you’re not in a good mood that day. A little bit goes a long way.”

Meanwhile, Nick cautions the latest crop of boy bands not to let anyone or anything come between them. 
“It’s not advice, but more of a warning – make sure you guys stick together because if you don’t then you won’t get to experience what we are experiencing right now, after 22 years… making a documentary, still here.

“If you don’t stick together and play as a team it will all go away. You’ll be sitting back wishing that you were in this position.”


See how BSB have stuck together for more than 20 years in Show ‘Em What You’re Made Of, out now through North America and coming to the UK and Europe in just THREE weeks!
And, check out the boys naming the members of 1D here

By Leena Tailor / @LeenaNZ