February 01, 2015

No more sleeps! Merry BSB Movie-mas!

“This is amazing. I can’t believe this. We’ve actually seen movies in this theatre right here and I never actually thought that we would have our own movie and be watching it with you guys here tonight.”

With that, Nick Carter kicked off the hotly-anticipated North American release of Backstreet Boys: Show ‘Em What You’re Made Of in Los Angeles, appearing on stage with the guys at Hollywood’s ArcLight Cinemas in front of a crowd of hundreds.
Having spent the day doing interviews on the rooftop of the swanky W Hotel, the boys then suited up in Topman to hit the red carpet with their beautiful wives and children.
So what do their families think of some of the documentary’s raunchy revelations?

Kevin admits he initially wanted to drop the scene in which he offers the German translation for requesting a sexual favour, but director Stephen Kijak fought to keep it off the cutting room floor.

“When I saw it I was like, ‘You know, I don’t want my son to see this,’” says Kevin.

“The way I was raised in Kentucky and the way my parents raised me, I don’t ever want to be vulgar. But we were telling stories of what we were going through when we were young men growing up.”

As for Howie’s hilarious porn confession, Brian admits the scene was a little awks for his son Baylee – “[He] was like, ‘Dad, what’s porn?’ and I’m like, ‘Uhhhh…’”
Although cringe-worthy, Howie says that including the footage was simply part of keeping their story real.

“I had a couple of my family members watch it and I remember my cousin saying, ‘That line about you being at Lou’s house and seeing your first porn – my daughter’s 12-year-olds, I don’t know if you should think about that,” says Howie.

“So Kev and I were both dealing with this thought of whether we wanted to put it out there or not, but with the direction of Stephen and the people around us, we wanted to be honest and real and these were things we were going through. It was real. 

“If anything, that’s what we wanted our fans to take away from this – we’re a bunch of normal guys ... and porn’s what we do on the weekends!”

Inside the ArcLight, fans sang, danced and cheered as BSB photos were relayed on the iconic Dome screen and by the time the ‘Everybody (Backstreet’s Back)’ video was played, the screams of “Ye-ah”, in response to Nick’s “Am I sexual?” line, could be heard throughout Hollywood.

With AJ clutching his Sour Patch Kids and Howie ready with his Twizzlers, the guys then joined their families to watch the finished film – for the first time together – alongside fans who laughed, cried, cheered and sniffled through the emotional footage.

Afterwards thanking fans, friends, family, management, choreographers Rich+Tone, director Stephen and producer Mia Bays, Nick left the crowd with some exciting news to get us through post-BSB movie life…

“Our new album – we’re going to start recording this year!”


*Check back next as we count down to the documentary’s next big launch – in Europe and the UK!


By Leena Tailor / @LeenaNZ