January 26, 2015

Three Days till Backstreet's Back at the Movies!

With only four days until the North American theatrical premiere and Video-on-Demand launch (and three until the sneak peeks!), it’s time to prepare for the emotional rollercoaster that’s going to be viewing Show ‘Em What You’re Made Of.

While the highly-anticipated hometown visits may require tissues (we recommend a whole box… and foregoing mascara) one of the film’s biggest revelations is the story behind Brian’s vocal issues, which first surfaced when the guys were making Never Gone. 
Diagnosed with acid reflux at the time, medication provided temporary relief, but he became progressively worse and while the situation sparked tension within the group during filming, AJ says he couldn’t be prouder of B-Rok.
“We should have filmed this for the documentary, but we were in London staying at this house together making the record, reconnecting and reintroducing Kevin into the mould, and after our first night of writing and recording we sat down in the kitchen,” he recalls. 
“Brian just came out and was honest with everyone and asked for us to be patient and supportive. He exercised a lot of frustration and emotion and I can’t even imagine what he’s going through on a daily basis now. Our voices are our livelihood. 

“And fans are not stupid. Fans hear Brian and know something isn’t the way it used to be, but he wasn’t ready to talk about it and he does – very openly – in the film and it’s probably one of my favourite parts.

“He’s working back home on whatever he can do to make things better and I’m really proud of him for being so open and honest. I have nothing but the utmost respect for him as my friend and brother.”

While fans will have to hit the cinema or iTunes to find out more from Friday, one thing’s for sure – exercising the level of openness and vulnerability that BSB show in the doco was just as hard for them as it may be for fans to view.

Some of the most difficult segments to film were the visits to each of the boys’ hometowns. 
The idea was raised by Kevin after they neared completion of the project, but felt something was missing.
AJ describes the group trek as “a week-long trip of therapy”, which also proved testing to his sobriety.

“I actually got so stressed out that I drank while we were in Florida,” confesses the West Palm Beach native, who is preparing to drop his new solo record by spring.

“It was the stress and pressures of being back home and I was also dealing with personal issues back in Los Angeles. I was just struggling with everything.

“But after we got back and things calmed down, everything came back into perspective and I’ve been sober for quite awhile now. 

“I couldn’t be happier or in a better place.

“My daughter just started pre-school and it’s the coolest thing. It’s emotional though because she’s growing up too fast for me. She’s already befriended a boy at school and I’m like, ‘Uh oh!’ But what are you going to do? Girls and boys will be girls and boys.”

*Check back later this week as we celebrate the North American release of Show Em What You’re Made Of and begin the countdown to the documentary’s international debut!


By Leena Tailor / @LeenaNZ