January 15, 2015

Two Weeks til BSB Show Us What They're Made Of!

With less than three weeks until the film opens in US theatres (don’t worry rest of the world… we got you covered from February 26th), the boys opened up about the challenges of making the Stephen Kijak-directed documentary.

While none of the guys are strangers to cameras, this project took things to a whole new level, with their lives subject to the lens for two years – and during some intensely-emotional moments.

“The hardest part is having trust,” says Kevin. “Letting your guard down and being truthful and real when the camera’s rolling is challenging.”

“Being able to feel open to go to places that we haven’t gone to before and trusting it would be presented well was the hardest part,” agrees Howie. “The fact that we’re producers on the film means we get creative control in what’s put together on the cutting room floor, but it still comes down to trusting each other. Luckily, we were able to let each other feel free and be open about everything.”

Howie adds that being producers also meant a new set of film-making hurdles and responsibilities.

“Earlier on, the challenges were things like scheduling – we had a road trip we wanted to take to see all of our hometowns and it was like, ‘Do we do it at the beginning or do we try to wait until later on?’

“So being producers you have a lot of control … but by having that control you have to make a lot of decisions!”

As well as the highly-anticipated hometown visit, the doco will explore BSB’s two decades of ups and downs, culminating in their 20th anniversary In a World Like This tour.

Still making it’s way around the globe, it’s the first tour where both Howie and Kevin have faced juggling two young children with life on the road.

They both credit their gorgeous wives – Kristin and Leigh – for helped them successfully navigate tour life with family commitments.

“We have good wives… sweet wives!” says Howie.

“We have strong women and it sure helps,” adds Kevin. “Out on the road, they have it the most difficult because we’re working everyday.

“We come in and try to feed a bottle here and there, but with two boys – Howie’s got two boys and I’ve got two boys – it’s hard. But it’s harder on our wives than it is on us.”


*Check back next week for more on the documentary as we count down to January 30th!


By Leena Tailor / @LeenaNZ