1. Monique Dondero avatar

    Can't wait got my email this morning I can not wait going to be a blast!!

  2. BriDorough05 avatar

    Got my email this morning....can't wait to be apart of BSB history!

  3. bbaria avatar

    I thought I got one but what I got was a email to rate the site. I was like really

  4. Lana.C avatar

    Thank you so much for this opportunity! Im very excited and cant wait!!!

    Im sorry to the fans that didn't get picked! Hope next time they have a contest YOU get picked =)

  5. MissCascante-Littrell avatar

    I guess i didnt get one? :( congrats to all the lucky chosen ones! Please let us know when the rest of us can see it. Can't wait!

  6. TeArra avatar

    Aww guess I didn't get selected figured my odds were small cause it was posted while I was at work. But congrats to those picked. If anyone needs a plus one for la. I'm free all day Thursday! Lol

  7. pilsbury4 avatar

    @bsbfan_nee86 I just hope you weren't like a friend of mine and get in trouble(it was non BSB related). Fangirling, fun but dangerous in a professional environment. ;-) Congrats all who won in both cities.

  8. Ania Griffen avatar

    Congrats to everyone who's going to the screenings!!! Have an amazing time!!!!

  9. Alyssa Sarmiento avatar

    Congrats for everyone who got their invites! Jealous but looking forward to recaps :)

  10. LaurenNY88 avatar

    Aw wish I got one--release more invites ;) Congrats to those going! Let us know how it is!