1. Fernanda Godoy avatar


  2. Raemians avatar

    Marc Saint-Ange says:
    August 23, 2014 at 9:52 am
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    I Love Backstreet Boys And Fans
    Marc Saint-Ange’s picture
    Created by Marc Saint-Ange on Fri, 08/22/2014 – 16:06
    Yes, they’re five boys like five stars with exceptional talents.
    1997 was a revelation for me when I discovered Backstreet Boys at my young age.
    As you know, I write blog when ever I’ve something important to say. I’m not here to waste your time.
    I’m just pausing a moment to express my admiration and gratitude for Backstreet Boys. I remember like yesterday at that time, when I played and enjoyed BSB music in my CD player.
    I was surely young but I have loved and still love Backstreet Boys like any childhood and youth passion.
    I never personally meet McLean, Howie, Nick, Kevin and Brian and doubt I ever will. I’m not seeking their endorsement. But, they are extraordinary human beings for all they have done through their story.
    I have personally found lots of inspirations through BSB’s songs when I used to write and the same way when I was fallen in love with my girlfriend in the early age.
    This is my unique R’N’B group forever!
    The year of 1997 was a revelation for me when I discovered some titles like: “Quit Playing Games with My Heart”; “As Long As You Love Me” were one of BSB’s first hit singles, although it is also after years I deeply understand the real lessons about love and relationships. “I don’t care who you are / where you’re from.”
    As long as you love her or him, the relationship will continue to work, right? Wow…, I really love those songs like crazy!
    As young guy, I can’t imagine in revisiting BSB’s poetry and events video; I’ve realized just how inspirational some words can be.
    In many spectacles & songs the inspirational messages never miss. This is one of the BSB’s powers.
    “But my love is all I have to give”/ “without you I don’t think I can live”
    “All I have to give” / “I’ll never break your heart”
    Great and inspirational words!
    I still have all Backstreet Boys music on my tablet & on my IPod from the beginning to now because there are all new for me. One of my friends is used to asking me:
    “Why you still keep these ancient hits with you?”
    I always tell him:
    “I’m a Backstreet Boys fan for life, no matter what happen.”
    As Adult today, I’m writing now to help people changing their life the same way I have been recovered me from Chronic Pain. I write books about inspiring characters and subjects which help changing people’s life for real.
    I love Backstreet Boys and fans the same way I love my friends and other passions I have.
    I might say a lot about my wonderful “Five Stars”, I’ve save your time because you’re busy people as me.
    The only one thing I can say, when bad days come, we can think about BSB’s long history, and the inspiring quotes from them.
    “It’s like family: we love each other like brothers, and we argue like brothers.”
    “Music is love, love is music, music is my life and I love my life.”
    Here’s the inspiring one I love the most:
    “We can move mountains as five together.”
    You can’t imagine how this quote impacted me as Author even if it had been noticed two years ago.
    Continue doing the good JOB guys!
    You’re all in my heart!
    - See more at: http://raemians.com/#sthash.GBVrx3Qx.dpuf

  3. Carol Johanna avatar

    Didnt get selected but i have friends who did and they said its a heartfelt and honest documentary, with a lot of swearing lol! They loved it! They were fascinated!

  4. Val avatar

    Those who went. How was it?

  5. blacknbluerocks *jen* avatar

    i'm so sad I didn't get an invite. just my luck. hope all those who went had a good time :) its impossible to think they didn't! see yall on the cruise!

  6. Timsgrl14 avatar

    I didn't get an invite, wish I had but for those who did, have fun and fill us in!

  7. brokluv1 avatar

    I'm going to the NYC one tomorrow :)

  8. KateB avatar

    Me too! :(

  9. Annie-Gail avatar

    awww I didnt get no email I guess I wasnt picked! Too bad I live close and was gonna be in the City either way :(

  10. AshaRueLovesBSB avatar

    I'm bummed I didn't get a email...look for me n my mom in the movie we signed a waiver hopefully we are let me know thankd