1. Suriontheplanet avatar

    It's November and I didn't get any refund of 2 tickets.... I can't believe it. I did what they asked me to do and tried to send the e-mail with a form they asked but email bounced back so I sent them another e-mail from their website like a month ago but no answer back and nothing. It's practically stealing money, isn't it? I am so pissed... What should I do??

  2. Lenni avatar

    This is ridiculous, it's been two months and no refunds. I cannot believe that we really need to wait this long. Sending emails to Creative Talent does not help either, as they bounce back as their inbox is full. I have three tickets now waiting to be refunded - if anyone has any info on this please share!

  3. Annett Myvegas avatar

    Now it's september. We are still waiting for our money. What's up with your Management and Ticketmaster?

  4. blue moon avatar

    They won't do anything. Its up to Creative Talent and they are, so I found out, broke.

  5. Kathleen Rumberger avatar

    Still no money back!!! You have to do something because it is your fault!!!

  6. Bahro avatar

    Until today! No Money from creative Talent! I can't believe it! I've send my Ticket to creative talent 5 weeks ago but till now, no reply or any sign!

  7. SanBorussia avatar

    Definitely! I've never had anything like that before! When I sent my tickets back to CT I sent them via recorded delivery and got a note of who signed for them but not like that helps us when they won't reply to emails/letters or answer the phone!

  8. blue moon avatar

    I calld Ticketmaster today and they said the only company who is responsible is CT.
    I said too that since I bought my ticket through them, they are my business partner, but they said they are not..
    only CT..it sucks ..big time

  9. SanBorussia avatar

    Same for me, Ticketmaster only say I should wait for CT but from those news reports it doesn't look like we'll get any money any time soon! I don't know how it was for you guys but Ticketmaster booked the money off my account, shouldn't they also be the ones paying us back then?! We did order the tickets from them after all?

  10. blue moon avatar

    When you search for Carlos Fleischmann and CT on the net, you will learn that his company has financial ermm shall we say "Problems"
    Not only the BSB tour has been cancelled. CT cancelled a Festival and a Snoop Dogg Tour too. Currently they are "re-organising" the company. This re-organising should be finished by the end of August. " To secure the longlasting and sucessful survival of the concept and philosophy of Creative Concept, Carlos Fleischmann asks his partners for help. " To avoid to endanger the process (of the re-organisation) und to keep the ability to meet financial obligations, we ask you to declare to us until July 15, 2014 that you defer the outstanding claims you have against CT Creative Talent GmbH until 31.8.2014 and don't claim any payments until then." (Um den einen langfristigen und erfolgreichen Fortbestand der Konzeption und Philosophie von creative talent zu sicher, bittet Carlos Fleischmann die Partner um Unterstützung. So heißt es: "Um diesen Prozess (der Sanierung Anm. d. Red.) nicht zu gefährden und die Zahlungsfähigkeit unserer Gesellschaft zu erhalten, bitten wir Sie, uns gegenüber bis zum 15.07.2014 zu erklären, dass Sie Ihre gegenüber der ct creative talent GmbH bestehenden Forderungen bis einschließlich zum 31.08.2014 Stunden und Zahlungen darauf bis dahin nicht verlangen werden.")
    This maybe explains why we don't get any reply nor mail or anything. Even the phone says" The Vodaphone partner is curently not available". I hope we will receive ANYTHING, but to me it does not look great. IF the company gets insolvent then we are all f....ed.
    Maybe the management of BSB knows more and is willing to help. We will see.......