1. Joise avatar

    Wahhh :( so sad I didn't get a chance to ask you guys something but read all the ?s n thank you guys! :-)

  2. CotecitaCarter avatar

    Missed it, was too early :( but I'm glad you give the chance to interact more with you, guys :)

  3. Sway_Shay avatar

    I missed it LoL :(

  4. simonacarter84 avatar

    Thk u Guys ...... By italian fan ;-)

  5. Speedy_Ingrid avatar

    Thanks for your time guys :D Love You all so much

  6. b-rok86 avatar

    I am waiting for you :) come on, guys :D

  7. Ivana Carulla avatar

    Thanks! I'm already up and ready to watch the Q&A :D

  8. MelMuff avatar

    If anyone needs to convert time zones, here is a good GMT converter.


    Ex. 12 PM GMT = 7 AM EST