1. nicegenegrae avatar

    Congratulations to Kevin, wife Kristin and Mason! Another Backstreet Baby,,, See you soon baby Maxwell! :)

  2. dita eriana avatar

    CONGRATZ !!! :) always wish u guys all the best. welcome Baby Maxwell!

  3. Alma Rosa Gabriela avatar

    Kev ann family. Gob bless you

  4. Lauri0827 avatar

    Congratulations Kevin!!! You have a very beautiful family.I wish you all the best!! Can't wait to see you and the rest of the boys in August at Jones Beach!!

  5. Speedy_Ingrid avatar

    Congrats to Kevin, Kristin & the big brother Mason :D --------> https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=357211657740205&set=a.247172435410795.57539.100003541219406&type=1&theater

  6. Shawn avatar

    Congrats Kev!!!!

  7. WendyWijnings avatar

    Congratulations, enjoy this special time xxx

  8. SweetDelish12 avatar

    Adorable baby boy, congrats to the Richardson family God bless you all.

  9. Carol Johanna avatar

    have you seen the pic he posted on twitter?? it just melts your heart! many blessings Kevin, Kristin and Mason!!! Welcome Max WE LOVE YOU!!!

  10. Jocelyn avatar

    Congrats!!! Such an exciting time for the Backstreet Family!