1. BNHAalltheway avatar

    Congratulations on Your new baby ?

  2. whitster518 avatar

    Awww Congrats Kevin!! I bet he's a cutie like his big brother!

  3. inlovewithbsb avatar

    Congrats!!!. :)


  4. Alfonsina Ignacia avatar

    Muchisimas felicidades por este nuevo integrante a la Family Richardson. Maxwell tendras todo el amor de nosotras las fans <3

  5. Debra G avatar

    HUGE Congrarts to keven & Kristin & big brother mason on your new addition !!!!! Can't wait to "meet maxwell " all the best from Montreal
    Lady D

  6. blacknbluerocks *jen* avatar

    congratulations Kevin and Kristin!!!!!!!!!! and In A World Like This, we'd all like to welcome you into this world Max!!!

  7. lisa pyne avatar

    congrats on the new addition to the family. many blessing for many happy years ahead.

  8. Fracksgurl4ever avatar


  9. Stephhh17 avatar

    Congratulations! Wonderful blessings

  10. Bunny - Vicky avatar

    congratulations and many wonderful hours with the baby