News article image Ryan Seacrest Interview!
November 09, 2010

Ryan Seacrest Interview!


New Kids On The Block & Backstreet Boys First Ever Interview Together

Aside from high waist denim jeans and teased hair, the 90s decade marked a new generation of music that captures the hearts of women and teenagers around the world, boy bands. From “Summertime” to “I Want It That Way,” New Kids On The Block and the Backstreet Boys have provided fans with hit singles that they will remember for a life time. Reliving these glory days of pop stardom, NKOTB and the BSB sat down with Ryan today to discuss their collaboration, future plans, and upcoming joint tour.


Both being iconic pop groups, one would think that competitiveness and ego would get in the way of these boy bands working together. However, Nick Carter, a member of BSB clarifies that, “ultimately I think these guys know we appreciate what they have done over the years and kind of mentored us in some ways. I think there’s an appreciation between the two groups and the success we have had… this is an honor on both sides.”

So what’s first up for this genius collaboration? The American Music Awards! This year, NKOTB and BSB will showcase their collaborative efforts through a performance on the AMA’s. What should we expect? The boys say, “We are going to do a bunch of our hits together,” almost like a mini montage of their most famous tracks!

Besides this performance at the AMA’s, both bands are reaching out to their fans and giving them what they all have wished for, a joint tour in 2011. First up is Toronto, with ticket sales starting the 19th of this month.

As these two groups merge out from their hiatus, you can’t help wonder what happened to the other infamous boy bands such as Boyz II Men and 98 Degrees? Ryan teased around with NKOTB and BSB, asking them if they would have any special guests appearances by these bands on their joint tour. They replied, “there will be a lot of surprises… we wanna make this a night that no one will ever forget.” What do you think this means? We can’t wait!