1. ohnahs avatar

    I had a lot of dreams last night. All were about the Shenzhen concert cancellation. I couldn't sleep. The cancellation is hurting me so bad.

    For all of your crying fans who have been suffering from the concert cancellation, would you guys please come back in near future? If you are not considering Shenzhen anymore (which we totally understand!), please come to HK. HK is so much better than Shenzhen.

  2. fanofbsb4ever avatar

    I am heartbroken for all of the fans in Shenzhen. This completely sucks for you all and I'm so sorry to hear about what happened. I REALLY hope that this concert gets rescheduled soon because I know the boys don't go there often.

    And I think the US fans need to be a bit more sympathetic. None of the China fans are blaming the boys they are just expressing their hurt and sadness. Don't say it's ok because it's not. Everyone flipped out when NYC was cancelled and that NEVER got rescheduled.

    Anyway hope that they get this sorted out

  3. fanofbsb4ever avatar

    I am heartbroken for all of the fans in Shenzhen. This completely sucks for you all and I'm so sorry to hear about what happened. I REALLY hope that this concert gets rescheduled soon because I know the boys don't go there often.

    And I think the US fans need to be a bit more sympathetic. None of the China fans are blaming the boys they are just expressing their hurt and sadness. Don't say it's ok because it's not. Everyone flipped out when NYC was cancelled and that NEVER got rescheduled.

    Anyway hope that they get this sorted out

  4. Abby Yeung avatar

    Really sad and disappointed. Anyway, just want u to know that Hong Kong's fans always love and support Backstreet Boys! Good show around the world!

  5. ChantalWing avatar

    They redeemed my tickets. I'd got my CNY2560 back. But the money meant nothing to me at all coz my heart was empty. I left from Shenzhen to my home, Hong Kong. That's the choice......
    However, it's not the end. You may be back to Shenzhen, maybe it's nearby, Hong Kong. See you, the Backstreet Boys!


  6. ohnahs avatar

    It's just heartbreaking.

    I am from HK. Same as many of the Backstreet Boys' fans, I have been waiting for seeing you guys for nearly 20 years. I was a student and could not afford to make my dream come true. In 2008, you guys were here for the HK tour but my daughter was born just 2 weeks before the concert - obviously I had no choice. After all these years I finally have the the chance to make it... but it was unreasonably destroyed - just on the day I could make it. Can you imagine how cruel it is?

    I fully understand that it's not your fault. I just want to tell you guys - I am so sad. Please come back. Please

  7. tangrui avatar

    So sad and disappointed.

    Back to 2004, I was a poor student, and cannot afford a ticket to your show. Now I'm a co-founder of a company, but be paid a cancellation.

    The show was scheduled on May 26th, but not happened. The show was scheduled the first stop of China Tour, but not happened. The show was scheduled the return of our disappearing youth, but not happened.

    For you, we're only 10,000 fans, but for us, you're all. For you, a sunny day may be stormy, but for us, rain cannot stop us. For you, you're old, but for us you're always young.

    Please keep the promise, your 10,000 promises. You owe Shenzhen fans a bright new show. Please come back...

    I will always love you as I will always miss our non-existing youth.

  8. Miss Pomelo avatar

    Dear boys...feel very sad about the cancelation of yesterday. Can be said it 's a dream since school time. Well, as one of your loyal fans, would understand all of your UNSHOWN reasons... no matter what it was. Anyway, wish you guys come in the future, for your uncompleted concert, for all of us---your fans who have deeply loved all of you since before...take care, and love you always!

  9. Cadyyao avatar

    This is a fan from Shenzhen, a fan since primary school.Now graduated from uni and work. Looked forward longggg, and this is my very first time to watch a concert, but it is cancelled. So sad, i have carried the ticket with me everyday when i received it. yesterday i even went to stadium walked around though i knew it has been cancelled. please reschedule for fans here. WE NEED YOU 5.

  10. Ashleephoto avatar

    That's too bad for all the fans! I am sure they wouldn't have cancelled if it wasn't necessary though! Hopefully they reschedule for the fans!